Innovative technology has revolutionized the education sector with the advent of EdTech. If you are looking to develop online teaching, have you grasped the latest teaching methods? What formulas may you have to learn when teaching online? Let’s explore the details with Thu Do Multimedia in this article!

1. What is Edtech?

Edtech stands for Education Technology, which is the use of technology applications to support, improve and change the way education is conducted. This is not simply the concept of applying information technology to learning, but also the use of new tools and methods to optimize the learner experience.

You can easily come across Edtech applications such as Duolingo, Elsa,.. or online courses such as Udemy, Coursera,.. Or smart learning devices such as electronic boards, projectors,.. in direct classrooms at school.

2. Why Edtech is Important for Educational Content Creators

In the era of increasing digital technology, the application of technology in education and learning is a top national policy, encouraged and promoted by the Ministry of Education and the State.

Edtech is changing the way we approach teaching and learning, not only in learning but also in proactive lifelong learning. In an increasingly digital world, students increasingly expect highly interactive, flexible and personalized educational methods. This is when Edtech appears as a powerful tool, helping to actively convey knowledge and bring great experiences to students.

Enhancing interaction and learning experience

One of the important reasons why EdTech is indispensable is the ability to increase interaction between teachers and students. Instead of the traditional method, where teachers lecture and students just listen, EdTech allows students to actively participate in the learning process.

Through tools such as videos, interactive lectures, and gamification, learners can actively explore knowledge in their own way. This not only creates interest but also helps to consolidate knowledge more deeply, thanks to continuous interaction.

Personalized learning

EdTech is especially important because of its ability to personalize the learning process. Instead of applying a general path for all learners, educational technology allows for the adjustment of content, methods, and learning speed to suit each individual.

For example, online learning platforms use AI to analyze each learner’s learning ability and behavior, thereby making appropriate recommendations, helping learners develop according to their personal path. This creates a learning experience that is both effective and meets the needs and learning styles of each individual.

Expanding the scale and accessibility of education

With the development of Edteech, students can now access learning materials from anywhere in the world, without being limited by location or time. EdTech removes geographical barriers and creates more equal opportunities for everyone to access knowledge. A good lecturer or a good content transmitter can reach and bring knowledge to millions of people.

Applying Edtech to education not only aims to teach students but also creates a digital environment that helps people after graduating and going to work still have the opportunity to participate in online classes to improve soft skills, languages ​​or specialized knowledge in their free time while still being able to participate in the labor market. For example, Coursera offers online courses related to marketing, finance, management, software, etc. for 1 month, 3 months or 12 months, with fees or free for students to get certificates after the course.

In short, EdTech is not simply a technology to support teaching, but also a tool to help improve the quality of education, creating more diverse, personalized and effective learning experiences for all students.

3. 5 popular Edtech models today

Currently, with the rapid development of technology, Edtech has been bringing many new, creative and flexible learning methods and models to learners. Revealing the 5 most popular and experienced Edtech models today:

Learning Management Systems (LMS) – Classroom management model

Edtech Classroom Management by LMS

LMS is a technology model that helps teachers manage the entire teaching and learning process, from creating lectures, tests to evaluating students’ learning outcomes.

LMS helps build and organize online classes easily, while providing many features to support interactions between teachers and students. For example, VNPT’s E-learning system called VnEdu LMS, the combined teaching and distance education platform myViewBoard, have become familiar tools for many schools in Vietnam.

If you are a person with high professional knowledge and want to find a suitable teaching method, LMS will be a useful choice to help you manage and develop learning content in a systematic and accessible way.

Language Learning – Online language learning model

Cambly app – speaking with native speakers in Edtech

The online language learning model is one of the most prominent solutions of Edtech, bringing new, flexible and effective foreign language learning opportunities through learning applications and platforms.

These applications often use AI technology to personalize the learning path of each student and learn each part of the content according to their needs. Some typical applications are Elsa Speaking – an application to improve pronunciation skills like native speakers using AI, Duolingo and Lingo Deer – game applications for language learning, Cambly – a platform to learn English directly with foreigners.

Enterprise Learning: A Model for Training Professional Skills

Online Courses have valuable in business

In a fast-paced world, equipping employees with the necessary professional skills is an important factor in helping businesses maintain a competitive advantage. Enterprise Learning is a modern model that effectively provides professional courses to employees.

An example is the online training platform Khan Academy, which offers courses such as computer science and data analysis skills, skills that are highly valuable in businesses.

Broad Online Learning Platforms: A model for completing online courses

Coursera – high quality courses

This is a familiar Ed model and is currently the most widely applied in the world. The BOLP model will provide online courses from short-term to long-term courses, by video or online meetings.

For example, large platforms Udemy and Coursera, both of which are famous for providing online courses to millions of students worldwide. Udemy is a learning platform with thousands of self-study courses on a variety of topics, while Coursera partners with leading universities to provide high-quality courses, including professional degrees and certificates.

Early Childhood Education: An educational model specifically for children

Edtech course for children

This is a model that focuses on developing basic skills and knowledge for children from preschool and primary school age. Strongly applying Edtech from the beginning for children will create interactive, creative and open programs, increasing their curiosity. For example, the online learning platform Cambly Kid is dedicated to children’s foreign language learning.

Above are 5 different models for businesses to choose different Edtech training methods. Organizations and businesses will design lectures suitable for the Edtech business model they choose.

4. Reveal useful Tools for Edtech Content Creators

With the growing online education landscape, tools to support Edtech content creation have become extremely important for both teachers and course developers. These tools not only make designing and organizing lessons easier but also bring high interactivity, helping learners have a better experience. Below are popular and useful tools that any content creator should know.

Canva is a useful tools in edtech course design

Canva is one of the leading online graphic design platforms today, standing out with its friendly and easy-to-use interface. Canva allows users to create many types of content such as infographics, slideshows, posters, and even videos, without requiring much in-depth design skills. Users can take advantage of thousands of available designs to create eye-catching and professional learning materials. This is especially useful in online education environments, where visuals play an important role in attracting and maintaining students’ attention.

Articulate 360 ​​is a professional solution specifically designed for creating e-learning courses. With Articulate 360, users can build multimedia online lessons, integrating audio, video, and interactive quizzes. One of the strengths of Articulate 360 ​​is the ability to create highly interactive learning modules, allowing students to directly participate in the learning process through tests, games, and simulations of real-life situations.

Google Classroom, a free tool from Google, has become a great assistant for teachers in managing online classrooms. Classroom helps teachers easily organize and share learning materials with students, thereby saving time and effort. Not only that, Google Classroom also allows teachers to create online tests, assignments and track students’ progress in detail. With tight integration with other Google applications such as Google Drive, Google Docs and Google Slides, Classroom provides a comprehensive ecosystem, helping teachers and students interact and work more effectively.

In addition to content design tools, learning management systems (LMS) also play an equally important role in managing and organizing online courses.

Moodle is one of the most popular open source LMS platforms today. With high customizability, Moodle allows educational institutions to design courses that suit their own needs.

Teachers can use Moodle to upload learning materials, create discussion forums, tests, and even organize online classes. With a powerful student management system, Moodle helps teachers track each student’s learning progress and provide detailed feedback.

Blackboard, another LMS, is also widely used in large universities and educational institutions around the world. Blackboard not only provides course management tools but also integrates many interactive features such as live chat, discussion forums, and grading systems. This helps create a comprehensive online learning environment where students can easily access knowledge, interact with teachers and classmates effectively.

Thanks to these advanced tools, creating online learning content is not only easier but also helps learners have a more diverse and rich learning experience. Content creators are more flexible in their approach and knowledge delivery, contributing to improving the quality of education in the digital age.

5. How to use Edtech to create effective content

To create effective content when you have powerful Edtech tools in hand, there are 3 important strategies that content creators need to apply:

Understand your target audience and tailor your content accordingly

First, understanding your target audience will be the key to creating quality content. You need to learn about their age, interests, and learning styles to build the most suitable lessons. For example, if your students are young children, Canva can help you create vivid, colorful, and easy-to-understand learning materials. For adults, interactive e-learning courses from Articulate 360 ​​will be the perfect choice, helping them to be more proactive and interested in the learning process.

Leverage the power of interaction and multimedia

One of the strengths of using Edtech tools is the ability to integrate multimedia and interaction into the content. To create dynamic and engaging lectures, combine videos, images and audio from Canva, and use Articulate 360 ​​to add interactive exercises, games or simulations. These elements not only make the content more interesting but also help learners absorb knowledge easily and deeply.

Monitor and continuously improve the content

Finally, for the content to be truly effective in the long term, you need to regularly monitor the learning progress and feedback of students. Learning management systems (LMS) such as Moodle or Blackboard will help you track the learning progress of each student. Based on this data, you can adjust and improve the lecture to be more suitable, ensuring that the content is always optimized, helping students achieve the best learning rsults.

Applying these strategies will help you not only create quality content, but also keep your online teaching fresh, engaging, and effective over the long term.

6. Sigma DRM – Management Edtech Courses for Creators

When Work is Stolen and Motivation Is “Worn

Creating content in the Edtech industry requires a lot of effort, time, and financial resources. To create quality courses, content creators must invest not only in technology and supporting tools, but also put a lot of brainpower into building each lecture, designing interactive exercises, and constantly updating new knowledge.
Each course is the result of hundreds of hours of hard work, from research, lesson planning to creating multimedia content such as high-quality videos, images, and audio.

However, one of the biggest challenges that Edtech content creators face is copyright protection.
Online educational content is easily pirated or distributed for free, illegally. Many users tend to look for free versions of courses, which makes the efforts and dedication of content creators underestimated.

Not only stopping at illegal sharing, hackers can also exploit security vulnerabilities, download entire courses and distribute them on illegal sharing websites. This not only causes economic damage but also demotivates those who are passionate about education.

The efforts and creativity of educators, instead of being appreciated and respected, sometimes fall into the situation of being exploited. This makes many content creators feel tired, frustrated and no longer motivated to continue investing in creating new courses. Having to face the reality of continuous copyright infringement has become a major barrier, not only affecting the spirit but also directly threatening the source of income and the development of online education.

Clearly, to protect the value that Edtech content creators bring, stricter copyright protection measures are needed, along with a change in users’ perception of respect for intellectual property and creative work in the education sector.

Hackers use very sophisticated tricks, you may not know your course is being stolen. You are still diligently creating valuable videos, but they are used to spread them for free on social networks. Make you lose revenue quickly, right?

Finding a way out of this problem

Online education platforms are stepping up measures to deal with copyright infringement and plagiarism by implementing stricter policies. Many platforms have adopted digital content protection (DRM) technology to ensure that copyrighted learning materials are not misused or distributed illegally. In addition, some platforms have adopted watermarking techniques to track and trace illegally shared materials.

Solve 100% of the problem of “brain theft” with Sigma DRM for online course management

Sigma DRM – management your Edtech course

In the context of strong development of online education, the problem of copyright infringement and “brain theft” is becoming more and more popular and difficult to control. To thoroughly solve this problem, Sigma DRM has emerged as a comprehensive solution to help manage and protect digital content.
Sigma DRM (Digital Rights Management) is an advanced technology that helps online course providers strictly control access, distribution and use of their content. By encrypting content and controlling access based on licenses,

Sigma DRM ensures that only authorized users can access the documents, completely preventing illegal downloading and sharing.

Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Han – CEO of Thu Do Multimedia affirmed: “Sigma Multi DRM confidently ensures 100% protection of creators’ content on online platforms”

Enhance security and prevent copyright infringement

Sigma DRM does not stop at encrypting content but also integrates advanced security features to track and monitor the use of learning materials. This system allows for tracking suspicious activity and restricts the ability to copy, download, or print material without the publisher’s permission. This helps protect online courses from unauthorized copying and distribution, providing peace of mind for educators and content creators.
With Sigma DRM, any unauthorized access is recorded and reported immediately, creating a safe and secure learning environment.

Protecting Creators and Increasing Content Value

With Sigma DRM, content creators not only protect their efforts and intellectual property, but also increase the value of their courses. When content is tightly protected, courses become more reputable and learners are willing to pay for high-quality, fully copyrighted courses.
Sigma DRM helps build a transparent learning environment where the creativity and efforts of educators are valued. This not only encourages creators to continue investing in quality, but also contributes to building a fair and sustainable online learning community.

7. – Successfully deploying Sigma DRM to control Edtech courses, one of the leading online education platforms in Vietnam, has made a strong step forward by successfully applying Sigma DRM – an advanced digital rights management solution to protect Edtech courses. Previously, encountered many difficulties with copyright infringement, when many courses were illegally shared on pirated platforms, causing huge losses in revenue and negatively affecting the platform’s reputation.

Sigma DRM – Comprehensive management of online courses at

The deployment of Sigma DRM has helped completely solve this problem. Sigma DRM technology not only encrypts content but also strictly controls access rights, preventing illegal downloading or sharing. Thanks to that, the platform has protected its courses from the risk of copyright infringement, while ensuring peace of mind for lecturers and content creators.

Since integrating Sigma DRM, has seen a marked reduction in pirated course distribution, increasing student confidence in authentic courses. This not only helps protect intellectual property but also strengthens’s brand in the competitive online education industry.


Protecting your hard work and intellectual property from EdTech course theft is extremely important in today’s rapidly growing online education landscape. Creating educational content requires a lot of effort, time and dedication, but the risks of unauthorized copying and distribution can cause your efforts to go to waste. To ensure your course is fully protected, you need a professional and effective solution.

Contact Thu Do Multimedia now for advice and implementation of the most optimal copyright protection methods.

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