The world is facing serious problems with pirated applications. Even Vietnam, a developing country, is ranked third in Southeast Asia in terms of illegal content distribution rate. Let’s learn about the consequences of this behavior with Thu Do Multimedia and future trend of app protection in the upcoming years!

Pirate of the digital sea!

Pirated app are software, games or other applications that are copied, distributed, installed or used without the permission of the copyright owner. In other words, they are digital products that are “cracked” or “unlocked” for free use or at a lower price than the original.

The proliferation of pirated applications has become a pressing issue in today’s digital age, with far-reaching consequences for both individuals and businesses. This problem is particularly urgent due to the following reasons:

The widespread availability of pirated applications poses a significant threat to the revenue of software developers. By offering free or discounted alternatives to legitimate software, pirated applications divert potential customers away from paying for licensed versions.

This loss of revenue can have a devastating impact on developers’ ability to sustain their businesses and invest in future projects. As a result, the development of innovative new software may be hindered, leading to a less vibrant and dynamic digital ecosystem.

The pervasive use of pirated applications poses a serious threat to the security of devices and networks. These applications often contain malicious code, such as malware and viruses, which can infiltrate systems and compromise sensitive data.

Once installed, these harmful elements can steal personal information, financial data, and other valuable assets, leading to data breaches and identity theft. This not only causes financial loss but also damages individuals’ reputations and can have long-lasting consequences.

The act of pirating applications is a flagrant violation of copyright laws, which protect the intellectual property of software developers. Those caught using pirated software may face legal repercussions, including fines, lawsuits, and potential damage to their reputation.

Businesses that are found to be in violation of copyright laws may suffer significant financial losses, damage to their brand, and even legal action. This can have a devastating impact on their operations and future prospects.

Pirated applications create an unfair playing field, giving them an advantage over legitimate software developer. The widespread use of pirated software can undermine the entire software industry, leading to job losses and economic instability.

The use of pirated software can inadvertently support illegal activities such as organized crime and money laundering. By purchasing pirated software, individuals may be unknowingly funding criminal organizations that engage in these illicit activities. This can have serious consequences for society, including increased violence, corruption, and economic instability.

Furthermore, pirating applications is a form of theft that deprives creators of the fruits of their labor. Software developers invest significant time, effort, and resources into creating their products. When these products are pirated, their hard work is stolen, and they are denied the fair compensation they deserve. This can discourage innovation and reduce the overall quality and quantity of software available to consumers.

Consequences for developers

The widespread availability of pirated applications poses a significant threat to the revenue of software developers. By offering free or discounted alternatives to legitimate software, pirated applications divert potential customers away from paying for licensed versions.

This loss of revenue can have a devastating impact on developers’ ability to sustain their businesses and invest in future projects. As a result, the development of innovative new software may be hindered, leading to a less vibrant and dynamic digital ecosystem.

Especially with the current hit games like Resident Evil 4 or The Silent Hills, the producers have had to spend millions of dollars on production costs. And the pirated applications floating on the market of this game have greatly affected the revenue of CAPCOM.

Pirated versions of the game “Resident Evil 4” were illegally posted on Reddit

The lack of recognition and financial reward for their work can diminish developers’ enthusiasm and motivation. When developers see their efforts exploited through piracy, it can lead to a sense of discouragement and a loss of drive.

This loss of motivation can have a direct impact on the quality and quantity of software being produced, as developers may become less invested in their work and less likely to take risks or pursue innovative projects.

The widespread availability of pirated versions of their software can damage the reputation of developers and their products. When consumers are able to easily access pirated copies of software, it can create the perception that the software is not valuable or worth paying for. This can damage the reputation of both the software and the developer, making it more difficult to attract new customers and compete with rivals.

Furthermore, the existence of pirated software can make it more difficult for developers to justify the price of their legitimate products. If consumers can obtain similar software for free, they may be less willing to pay for the legitimate version, even if it offers additional features or benefits. This can put pressure on developers to lower their prices, which can reduce their profitability and make it harder to invest in future projects.

The On-going solution

To combat the issue of pirated app, it is essential to educate the public about the negative consequences of using them and promote understanding of intellectual property rights.

Launching targeted campaigns can effectively inform individuals and businesses about the risks associated with pirated app.

These campaigns can highlight the potential security threats, legal implications, and ethical concerns associated with using such software. By showcasing real-world examples of data breaches, lawsuits, and financial losses, these campaigns can create a strong sense of urgency and motivate people to make informed choices.

Maybe one article is not enough, but if the whole community speaks up, pirated apps will no longer be a problem!

Promoting understanding of intellectual property rights is another crucial step. Educational initiatives can be implemented in schools, workplaces, and community centers to teach people about the concept of copyright and the importance of respecting creators’ work.

By emphasizing the value of intellectual property and the legal consequences of infringement, these initiatives can foster a culture of respect for creators’ rights and encourage individuals to support legitimate software.

To maximize the impact of awareness campaigns and education initiatives, it is essential to collaborate with various stakeholders, including government agencies, educational institutions, industry organizations, and media outlets. By working together, these entities can develop comprehensive strategies and leverage their resources to reach a wider audience and create a lasting impact.

The existing copyright laws and regulations may require updates to provide stronger protection for software developers. This can involve increasing penalties for copyright infringement, expanding the scope of legal protections, and streamlining enforcement procedures. By strengthening the legal framework, we can create a more deterring environment for those who engage in piracy.

Sigma DRM: Protecting Your Applications in the Digital Age

Sigma DRM, a cutting-edge solution from Thu Do Multimedia, is designed to safeguard your applications in the digital landscape. With its robust security features and user-friendly interface, Sigma DRM offers a comprehensive and adaptable DRM solution tailored for various application types.

Enhanced Security

Sigma DRM employs advanced encryption and protection mechanisms to prevent unauthorized access, distribution, and modification of your applications. This safeguards your intellectual property and protects against piracy.

Flexible Deployment

Sigma DRM is compatible with a wide range of platforms and devices, ensuring seamless integration into your application ecosystem. This flexibility allows you to reach a broader audience and protect your content across different channels.

User-Friendly Experience

Sigma DRM is designed to minimize disruptions to the user experience. It offers a balance between security and usability, ensuring that your users can access and enjoy your applications without unnecessary hurdles.

Tailored Protection

Sigma DRM can be customized to meet the specific requirements of your applications. This allows you to implement granular controls, protect different types of content, and address unique security challenges.


Sigma DRM is designed to handle applications of varying complexity and scale. Whether you have a small-scale application or a large-scale enterprise solution, Sigma DRM can provide the necessary protection.

Sigma DRM operates by encoding and packaging your applications, ensuring that they can only be accessed and used in accordance with your terms and conditions. This prevents unauthorized distribution and modification of your content. Additionally, Sigma DRM can be applied at different stages of the application lifecycle, providing comprehensive protection to:

Enterprise Software

Protect sensitive business data and intellectual property in enterprise applications.

Mobile Apps

Safeguard mobile applications from piracy and unauthorized distribution.

E-learning Platforms

Secure educational content and prevent unauthorized access to course materials, such as Coursera

Media Streaming Services

Protect streaming content from unauthorized downloads and distribution.

Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) Platforms

Secure SaaS applications and prevent unauthorized access to customer data.

Thu Do Multimedia’s Sigma DRM solution is certified. Many leading Vietnamese and international studios and production houses choose Sigma DRM as their leading solution for managing their intellectual property. However, some regions or countries require compliance with specific security standards, and relying on a single solution may not be enough to meet these requirements.

Through more than 14 years of development and constant service innovation, we can proudly said that our products have continuously improved and gained a foothold in the international market. Especially, in December 2019, the Sigma DRM solution to protect digital content copyright with the commercial name Sigma DRM of Thu Do Multimedia Joint Stock Company (Thu Do Multimedia) was inspected and certified by Cartesian to meet international security standards. Cartesian is an organization specializing in inspecting security products in the world.

Sigma Multi – DRM Solution (Thu Do Multimedia)

Sigma DRM – DRM Solution (Thu Do Multimedia)

Learn about our project:

The Future of DRM and App Protection

The future of DRM (Digital Rights Management) for pirated applications is likely to be shaped by the same trends driving the broader DRM landscape. As technology advances and user expectations evolve, DRM solutions will need to adapt to address new challenges and opportunities.

Increased Integration with Cloud Services:

As cloud computing becomes increasingly prevalent, DRM solutions will likely integrate more seamlessly with cloud-based platforms. This will enable more flexible and scalable DRM implementations, as well as enhanced protection against cloud-based piracy.

Improved Balance Between Security and User Convenience:

There will be a growing emphasis on striking a balance between robust security measures and a positive user experience. DRM solutions will need to evolve to provide effective protection without hindering user enjoyment or causing unnecessary friction.

Adoption of Blockchain Technology:

Blockchain technology offers the potential to enhance transparency, security, and traceability in DRM systems. By leveraging blockchain, DRM solutions can create an immutable record of content ownership and usage, making it more difficult for pirated applications to proliferate.

AI-Driven DRM:

Artificial intelligence (AI) can be used to develop more sophisticated DRM systems that can dynamically adjust security measures based on user behavior and threat intelligence. This can help to prevent new forms of piracy and improve the overall effectiveness of DRM solutions.

As a pioneer in the field of DRM, Sigma DRM is well-positioned to address the challenges and opportunities presented by the evolving landscape of pirated applications. Thu Do Multimedia, the developer of Sigma DRM, is committed to staying at the forefront of DRM technology and continuously improving its solutions.

As businesses operating in the game industry continue to thrive in the future, Sigma DRM will also have more opportunities to assert itself in the international market. Thu Do Multimedia will always try to improve Sigma DRM solution to keep up with the trends of the market and still maintain the goals and directions of our business:

Enhanced Security: Sigma DRM will continue to invest in advanced security measures to protect against emerging threats and prevent the distribution of pirated applications.

User-Centric Design: The solution will be designed to minimize disruptions to the user experience, ensuring that legitimate users can access and enjoy applications without hindrance.

Scalability: Sigma DRM will be scalable to accommodate the growing complexity and scale of pirated application ecosystems.

Integration with Emerging Technologies: Sigma DRM will integrate with emerging technologies, such as blockchain and AI, to enhance its effectiveness and address future challenges.


While it is difficult to predict the exact trajectory of pirated applications, it is clear that DRM solutions will play a crucial role in combating this issue. By staying ahead of the curve and adopting innovative technologies, Sigma DRM can help to protect the interests of software developers and ensure a more secure and equitable digital landscape.

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