Most online courses are easily stolen and your business may be one of them without even knowing it. To deal with this challenge, implementing Sigma DRM on online course solution is extremely necessary and effective for every business. Let’s find out the details with Thu Do Multimedia in this article!

1. Scary Truth: More Than 50% of Online Courses Are Being Piracy Abused

Online learning is no longer strange to students or working people. In addition to school lessons, the need to study on online websites is increasing dramatically. Because of the convenience, lesson value and the ability to quickly and proactively absorb knowledge. Therefore, today’s course lectures are very diverse in the fields of finance, soft skills, English, mathematics, marketing, …

This change puts pressure on providers to update and innovate electronic learning materials to attract users. However, along with that are the arising problems.

With the same knowledge content and presentation compiled and posted on the website, it is not difficult for an online learning solution provider to find lectures posted exactly the same on another online learning website without their permission. However, although many lectures are copied, some online learning providers themselves are not interested in registering copyright for their products.

As a result, the rate of online courses being copied illegally and illegally traded on the Internet is increasing rapidly.

MUSO is a company that addresses these questions every day. In its 2018 report, the company found that there were more than 190 billion visits to pirated websites in 2018 alone worldwide.

Number of visits to pirate sites per country (According

From online piracy statistics, it shows that more than 50% (according to Dataprot) of these recorded visits are to streaming websites, which is still the tool used by most users.

This is really a warning about the problem of illegal copying of online course content that businesses need to pay attention to. Online course businesses are in a “silent war” to manage online lectures.

Hidden Threats: Why Your Online Course Might Be Pirated Without You Knowing

Did you know that with just one click, all the hard work and knowledge you have built can be stolen? Online course piracy is becoming more common and sophisticated.

Educational organizations and businesses that create courses may not be aware that online courses are being copied and distributed illegally. Because they are unmeasured and do not leave a “footprint,” businesses cannot clearly check.

This happens due to a combination of factors:

Lack of advanced security measures:

Most platforms provide basic protections such as password access or user credentials, but these measures can be easily bypassed by tech-savvy individuals. Criminals can easily circumvent those passwords with minimal effort.

Use basic techniques:

Pirates often use screen recording software or download tools to record your videos, slides, or course materials. These tools are readily available and can be used discreetly, making it difficult for businesses to detect that content is being stolen.

Unauthorized Sharing Between Users:

Even with user access controls in place, legitimate users may still share their login credentials with others or download content and distribute it on unauthorized platforms.

No one wants their courses to be used illegally, because that directly affects the revenue and reputation, professionalism of the business. Therefore, towards a solution that needs to protect digital copyright for each lecture, e-learning courses.

2. How to integrate Sigma DRM on online course?

To manage “exclusively operated” online courses, businesses must find an optimized solution. A great solution to help businesses feel secure, free to create, and invest their brains in high-quality courses without worrying about being made public.. From there, they can help their students have a continuous learning path, easily breaking the limits of exam season.

Nowadays, based on rapidly developing technology, there is a solution that is most used by businesses to protect the copyright of online lectures, which is DRM (Digital Rights Management). By using DRM, owners can control how users use the product. Some typical control rights are:

  • Limit the number of file installations
  • Limit the time of use
  • Limit the file users,…

Many businesses around the world are providing different DRM solutions, with their own outstanding features. In particular, Sigma DRM – the No. 1 copyright protection solution in Southeast Asia, will definitely help your business manage 100% of online courses on demand in an optimal way and increase commercialization.

So how does Sigma DRM work?

Unlike physical products, DRM software is deployed by integrating into the business’s service packaging. DRM operations take place internally, like a thread running through it, tightly managing each component of the service, ensuring a seamless and secure experience for the end user.

Sigma DRM software activity profile

Simply put, Sigma DRM works by encrypting file content with a secret key. When students need to use the online course file, they need a Key to decrypt the file. At this point, students can access the course and enjoy the lecture fully in a private space.

For example, a DRM-protected course might limit the number of devices a user can play it on. Or in the case of an e-book, DRM might prevent the material from being printed or shared with unauthorized people.

Read more: What are the outstanding features of Sigma DRM?

Specifically, there are 3 levels that DRM can help businesses manage simple e-learning courses:

  • Setting copyright for a piece of content.
  • Managing the distribution of that copyrighted content
  • Controlling what learners can do with that content after it is distributed

To achieve these levels of control, a DRM scheme must effectively identify and describe three entities, including users, content, and usage rights, as well as the relationships between these three entities.

Integrating Sigma DRM into the online course Packager is very quick and businesses can easily manage their online courses easily. From there, they can control the “footprints” on the online learning platform. No more worrying, wondering “Is my online course being illegally commercialized?”

3. Does Sigma DRM affect user experience?

Sigma DRM does not affect user experience as much as other DRMs. Because Sigma DRM is integrated into the online learning system in an optimized way, the user experience is still smooth and seamless on the online learning platform for the most part.

Smooth experience – Passionate learning

Thanks to DRM, students have access to new, smart, advanced, modern and safe technology experiences:

Maximize security

Sigma DRM employs advanced encryption techniques to protect learners’ sensitive data, including personal information, test scores, and progress reports. This ensures a secure and private learning environment.


Sigma DRM allows learners to hold the “key” to open their own course. Acquire the best knowledge, tips to pass tough exams right at their fingertips, which ordinary people without the key cannot access.

In particular, the process of encoding and decoding content can basically cause delays in the user experience. But with Sigma DRM, the user experience is still prioritized, smooth and seamless. Thereby helping to retain learners, focusing on absorbing course knowledge without being confused by the code.

A feature “Optimizing response speed from DRM system to client ≤ 1s” is the outstanding feature that Sigma DRM owns, solving the problem that many other DRM software cannot do. We are proud of Thu Do Multimedia’s Sigma DRM, which can bring benefits to both authors and audiences. Managing online courses while providing optimal user experience.

Encrypt each course – Protect each word

Imagine your learning material as a giant library filled with valuable books. With Sigma DRM, each online course will be locked with a special key, only authorized people can unlock and access. This helps protect your intellectual property from those who want to “borrow” without returning.

In addition to simply controlling an individual course, businesses can instead deploy encryption for each course pixel. Businesses around the world have deployed a number of features such as:

  • Encrypting lecture videos
  • Managing access rights
  • Preventing unauthorized downloads
  • Encrypting pdf documents,…

Thereby, businesses create a professional and safe learning environment. With the solid protection layer of Sigma DRM, the content of the business is always protected, helping students focus on “finding words”.

4K Quality – Freely “accelerate” learning

Many people often mistakenly think that DRM reduces the quality of content. In fact, DRM is just a layer of protection, like a shell that wraps a gift. It helps ensure that you can only use the gift in the way the giver intended. The quality of the gift inside is completely unaffected. DRM is simply a tool to help protect intellectual property rights and prevent unauthorized copying.

4. The Secret to 100% Protection of Online Courses with Sigma DRM

Need a “steel wall” to manage the knowledge repository

In the era of rapid digital technology development, sharing knowledge has become easier than ever. However, along with that, the situation of copying and illegally distributing course content is becoming more and more popular. Many high-quality courses, the dedication of lecturers, are copied and resold at a price of 1/10, causing significant damage to the creators.

“Although we have built a lecture repository on the internal system so that staff can study on their smartphones anywhere, most of them are basic, universal principles. For important content, we still use traditional training methods with printed documents. We still aim to maximize the convenience of smartphones in internal training, but content security is the most important,” said Mr. Vo Hoang Anh, Head of Technology Department at a large corporate training unit in Vietnam.

In response to these concerns, Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Han – CEO of Thu Do Multimedia affirmed: “Sigma Multi DRM is confident in ensuring 100% protection of creators’ content on online platforms”
We expect that secure content solutions will contribute to reducing copyright concerns for content creators around the world, thereby promoting creativity in the field of online education and training.

DRM help management elearning course

Affirming position in the international arena

“If talking about enterprises providing comprehensive OTT media solutions including DRM, Thu Do is currently the only enterprise in the world market. Because as we know, there are only 20 enterprises worldwide that have invented DRM, and the other “big guys” only specialize in developing a specific business area. In Thu Do Multimedia’s comprehensive solution, some software may not be excellent but it is enough to meet basic needs. We have prepared a menu for a buffet party, customers can choose all the dishes or some dishes according to their preferences, without having to choose and combine solutions from many suppliers to use”. CEO Thu Do Multimedia affirmed.

Recently, an incident related to Google’s Widevine DRM protection solution – hackers leaked the entire source code to the Internet, causing the content on 4 billion devices in the Android ecosystem and about 2.6 billion devices using the Chrome browser using Widevine to be unable to protect copyright.

Thu Do Multimedia once again proved its ability to major partners in Vietnam when only Sigma DRM was able to resist attacks due to its superior security capabilities compared to foreign DRM providers when it had built a third layer of protection while businesses only built two layers of protection for the DRM solution.

According to Cartesian’s assessment, Thu Do’s Sigma Active Observer- SAO active security layer is the first DRM solution to have such a third layer.

Read more: Sigma Drm’s position in the international arena

5. – Study with peace of mind, unlimited creativity with Sigma DRM

About is positioned as one of the leading platforms in the field of online education support in Vietnam. With more than a decade of efforts, it can be said that has contributed to changing the perspective of parents and students on studying and preparing for exams via the internet, becoming one of the reliable solutions for candidates. provides courses from basic to advanced for students, students or those who need to improve their knowledge and skills. This website mainly provides high-quality learning programs for students from grades 10 to 12, providing English courses such as IELTS, TOEIC test preparation, courses and national high school exam preparation, and specialized courses such as business, programming, foreign languages, marketing, etc. becomes a strategic partner of Thu Do Multimedia

To manage online courses in the best way, has cooperated with Thu Do Multimedia to deploy Sigma DRM. With the aim of being able to easily manage courses of lecturers, documents and especially the latest product called ID Moonbook.

By combining knowledge and technology, Sigma DRM brings a new learning experience. Using the traditional book form integrated with unique ID codes, Moonbook provides users with the key to access integrated course resources, with detailed answers and intuitive, vivid video explanations.

Learning online easily

Thanks to the Sigma DRM solution, Moon’s courses are encrypted, allowing learners to “exclusively own” paid courses that those who do not pay will not have. This increases fairness for buyers and ensures the reputation of the lecture system’s security. So that learners can rest assured to study the highest quality lectures without encountering mass lectures that are widespread on the internet.

Sigma DRM not only helps Moon easily control student access rights, but also helps Moon increase sales thanks to the strategy of optimizing lecture packages corresponding to specific privileges. From there, learners will choose the rights for the lectures and pay accordingly.

Read more: Increasing x10 revenue with Sigma DRM in 2025

Imagine if a leading online learning platform did not deploy a “golden shield” to protect thousands of lectures, how much revenue would be lost?

Sigma DRM is the “hero” that protects Moon from the powerful attacks of pirates. From there, lecturers and authors can rest assured to produce and invest in the highest quality lectures for their students without worrying about them being easily stolen.

6. Don’t Lose Another Course: Sigma DRM Is The Solution For Bussiness

Surely, businesses do not want to be among the 80% of courses that are blatantly stolen and create 20% of the value for buyers of pirated courses. Protect your brainpower with Sigma DRM to be among the top 20% of businesses using DRM and create 80% of the knowledge value for your genuine students.

Creating an online course takes a lot of time and effort. Therefore, how to manage course content on any digital platform requires more attention than ever. By applying security measures, we hope that we can all create a safe and reliable online learning environment. From there, we can improve the quality of education and facilitate the development of courses for many good lecturers and large businesses.

With Sigma DRM, your business will have a solid “wall” of protection, effectively preventing the copying and sharing of unauthorized content. Don’t let your hard work and dedication be stolen, invest in Sigma DRM to protect your core business values ​​and affirm your leading position in the market.”


Protecting your online courses is not only about protecting your intellectual property but also about maintaining the long-term success of your business. Sigma DRM is the leading solution, helping you avoid copyright infringement risks and effectively protect your learning resources. Contact Thu Do Multimedia now for a free consultation!