The war between hackers and telemovie producers. How to protect your movies from being stolen? This article will reveal 3 ways that hackers may have used to threaten the Telemovie of the business. Let’s find out the details in this article with Thu Do Multimedia!

1. Fierce Rating Race: The Telemovie World is Getting More and More Exciting

New Term

Telemovie is short for Television movie or Television film, is a feature-length film produced and distributed originally by or for a television network, as opposed to a theatrical film.

1.1. Decoding the phenomenon

The race for ratings in the television industry, especially the telemovie genre, is extremely fierce. Producers, directors and actors are constantly striving to create more and more attractive, engaging and dramatic films to attract their audiences.

With the increase of television channels, online platforms and the increasing number of films produced. Filmmakers are forced to create quality, unique products with huge investment budgets, to win the “golden ticket” to stand out from the crowd.

Audiences have many choices between good TV dramas, so they are increasingly more demanding and demanding. Audiences demand films that are not only attractive in content but also have beautiful images, vivid sound and impressive acting. Therefore, film producers chasing high ratings have to invest in higher and higher production costs.

High ratings mean large advertising and high revenue. Therefore, TV stations and producers always aim to achieve outstandingly high ratings to maximize profits. Therefore, the world of telemovies is a race to “hunt for ratings” to have the opportunity to break through and survive through classic films.

1.2. Revealing 05 factors that make a Telemovie successful

In the race to attract the attention of the audience, telemovie filmmakers are constantly creating and innovating. To create a film that makes viewers unable to take their eyes off, waiting eagerly for each episode and having to talk about them enthusiastically. So what are the factors that help a film stand out among thousands of other products and achieve great success?

The first factor is: Possessing a good script

A good script is a solid foundation for the success of a telemovie. The story does not need to be too new or different, but it needs to have depth, exploiting social issues, and complex character psychology.

Building a complete script, with unexpected details, dramatic twists is extremely important. Besides, character building is also a key factor. Multidimensional characters, with their own stories, will more easily win the audience’s sympathy.

Remember, the 2018 psychological film – My Mister has left an echo in the film industry. The film stars IU and actor Lee Sun Kyun. It depicts the life slices of lonely adults in their own lives, and then one moment they realize: “Life is like that, everyone has to face difficulties, but after all, everything will be fine and then everyone has to move forward”. The touching film has excellently received the Baeksang Arts Award for Best Screenplay in 2019.

Two, talented actors

A talented actor will breathe life into each character, each scene, making the character come alive and close to the audience. Choosing the right actor for each scene is not simple. But it is extremely important. So that the actor can immerse himself in different levels of emotion, helping the audience sympathize and immerse themselves in the story. Fully enjoy each scene with genuine emotions.

“Hunting” for top famous actors not only attracts fans but also creates a strong ripple effect. However, for a film to be truly successful, the most important factor is the harmonious combination between the actor and the role. Many films have proven that young, talented actors, even though not too famous, can still create big surprises and win the hearts of the audience.

The movie “Reply 1988” is a typical example, when the young, vibrant cast created a fever not only in Korea but also throughout Asia.

Three, the architect of the movie

The director is the person who “steers the boat” for the movie to dock, the person with the overall vision, decides the style, tone, and atmosphere of the movie. Thanks to talented directors, the emotions of the actors are complete, full, and their images are most perfect when reaching the audience.

Four, Vivid images and sounds

As mentioned above, the audience not only demands movies with vivid scripts, but they also want the movie to have sharp images and vivid sounds. Because it directly affects the audience’s emotions, remembers and creates a deep and lasting impression.
To create quality images and sounds, producers must invest thousands of dollars in filming techniques, editing, sound and lighting.

Five, Effective Marketing

Marketing plays an important role in bringing the film closer to the audience. An effective marketing campaign will help create curiosity and attract public attention. Choosing the right media channel, building a unique brand image, and organizing promotional events are necessary activities.

Create emotion

A successful TV series also depends on many other factors. But these are the 5 most important and core factors that every producer aims for and does not want to reveal the details to you.

The producer’s job now is to create classic films that can “captivate” the audience, take viewers from one surprise to another, evoke diverse emotions and leave a deep impression in the hearts of the audience. The audience feels like they are sharing happy and sad moments with them, and always look forward to each next episode. Only by creating such breakthrough films, will there be a chance to “reach the finish line” in the rating marathon race.

2. Between art and commerce: The fierce race for ratings

Ratings are not only a measure of the success of a television program but also become the focus of the entire entertainment industry. From the “big guys” of the media to each individual audience, everyone is interested in this number.

In developed countries such as the US and Korea, measuring ratings has become a daily activity, when almost every television is equipped with measuring devices, helping to record in detail the television viewing habits of each household. Thanks to that, the rating index is continuously updated and public, providing a comprehensive view of the audience’s tastes.

Telemovies with high ratings are the result of many viewers, proving that the script and actors are attractive. Therefore, some producers make films in a “rolling” style, that is, they film and broadcast at the same time. Listening to the audience’s situation to easily change according to the crowd’s expectations, creating attraction from the beginning to the end of the film.

Squeezing into “Prime Time”

As a film producer, everyone wants to be shown in the “prime time” of television. Because this is the time frame that is watched by the most viewers, the film’s images are transmitted the fastest, and the highest rating of the day. However, with the fierce competition for every pixel on the small screen, many TV series are pushed out of prime time by the station to make room for “popular” game shows with high ratings and lots of advertisements.

Many seriously invested telemovies with educational and artistic values ​​find it difficult to squeeze into prime time, and this makes it difficult to call for investment due to the obsession with ratings.

Unhealthy competition

In the race for the No. 1 position on the rankings, many TV producers and directors are constantly improving the quality of their products and investing heavily in big projects. However, behind the halo of high ratings is a “speed war” and many other unpredictable risks. However, the risk of copyright infringement is always lurking, threatening the fruits of their labor. When works are copied and illegally distributed in the digital environment, it not only causes economic damage but also significantly reduces the number of viewers, leading to a serious decline in ratings.

Investing thousands of USD but when broadcast, copyright infringement occurs, losing both revenue and traffic, making the competition twice as difficult. A telemovie must both squeeze into prime time and run faster than pirates to retain high viewership. This is an extremely big risk, rapid loss of revenue, requiring a large investment for the author to protect the copyright of his own film.

In the digital age, information spreads quickly, with just a few sophisticated operations, hackers can own a film of an entire group. Then it is quickly shared on social networks, forums or illegal websites to attract views and make profits. This makes protecting the copyright of telefilm more difficult than ever. From there, the task of holding the “golden key” to protect/manage the digital products of businesses in the production chain is a top priority.

Like the Telemovie “Go Go Squi” is a Chinese film that is causing a fever in Southeast Asia at this time. However, before fans were waiting for each episode to be officially broadcast on FPT Play channel, the entire film was leaked without subtitles until the last episode.

Famous movie was pirated before it aired

Meanwhile, on the copyrighted site FPT Play, the episodes are broadcast only 1-2 hours later than on the official site from China. This has greatly affected the ratings of the film on the official site at the end of the film, and also caused a significant loss for the official copyright buyer.

3. Screen Hacking: Detailed Analysis of 3 Sophisticated Hackers’ Ways to Steal Telemovies

Piracy of television series, especially telemovies, has become a serious problem in the entertainment industry. To better understand this problem, let’s “expose” the tricks that pirates most often use to steal your telemovies:

3.1. Hacking directly into the film distribution system

If telemovies are not protected as strictly and firmly as a “wall”, hackers can use tricks to “crack the code to get the golden egg” of the publisher quickly. Hackers will attack the content management system, the film distribution agent of the producer, the film studio or the online streaming platform. This is where the films are stored before they are released on TV channels.

Don’t let hackers successfully access, because they will take all the episodes of the business and automatically release them on the pirated film website before the official episode is broadcast. Not only that, these films are also of good quality, no different from online, attracting pirated viewers and severely reducing the official rating.

A prominent example is the hack of Sony Pictures in 2014, when a series of films were stolen and distributed before their theatrical release.

Sony Pictures Terror Hackers

Read more: Cyber Case Study: Sony Pictures Entertainment Hack

What if all the data in the movie that is about to be released is leaked on social networks? All the efforts of hundreds of thousands of people creating the masterpieces will be wasted, thousands of revenue will be lost due to the decrease in viewership and the audience is no longer interested in each TV show.

The more sophisticated the tricks, the more the producers need to update technology and use the best copyright protection software.

3.2. Using screen recording software

This is the second method that hackers are likely to use to steal business film products after they are broadcast online. Although not as direct as hacking into the system, the method of recording the movie screen and uploading it to illegal websites also causes serious consequences for telemovie distributors on platforms such as Netflix, VTVcab, Disney+, Amazon Prime, etc.

Hackers secretly film movie screens

This technique is very difficult to detect, because it is on the user’s side, right on the screen they are legally watching. With this tool, the image quality will not be full HD, smooth, and sharp as when watching online.

Therefore, leading film businesses often use Digital Rights Management (DRM) to limit screen recording. At that time, screen recording software will be blocked by DRM.

3.3. Stealing accounts and sharing content

Another method that is also mainly used by hackers is to use tricks to attack online users’ accounts using techniques such as:

  • Phishing (phishing via email, text messages),
  • Brute force (trying many different passwords),
  • Credential stuffing (using leaked login information from other websites).

After taking over the account, hackers can post it on forums, pirated websites or resell the account to black websites to make illegal profits.

The black techniques that hackers use to steal classic telemovie products from businesses are all due to poor security, many data loopholes, so hackers can easily “infiltrate” and “break the shield”.

Telefilm theft tricks are constantly “changing”

While businesses are fiercely protecting telefilms, the tricks used by “thieves” will become even more sophisticated in the future. With the rapid development of AI today, malware is constantly “transforming” to adapt to the strict protection measures of film producers and distributors.

What is the way out for the telemovie business?

The war cannot be stopped or “tolerated” so that thieves can freely take away the “property” of filmmakers. Digital Rights Management is a global solution to protect the copyright of television dramas. DRM not only helps encrypt and protect television content from unauthorized copying and sharing, but also provides tools to monitor and promptly prevent illegal distribution.

4. Defend yourself against attacks – Sigma Multi DRM solution protects the achievements of telemovie producers

Digital rights management (DRM) solutions such as Widevine, FairPlay, and PlayReady have been deployed to prevent unauthorized access and distribution, but current copyright protection solutions are not sufficient and a multi-pronged approach is needed to address the existing risks.

As mentioned above, there are many ways hackers can break security due to DRM vulnerabilities, and OTT TV providers and online publishers face a range of other risks that require comprehensive DRM software.

“A solid shield” – Sigma Multi DRM is stronger than you think

Sigma DRM is a powerful solution from Thu Do Multimedia to protect copyrights of digital content such as music, online courses, podcasts, cameras, etc. However, to be able to comprehensively protect movies and TV series with large data, we have the latest solution, Sigma Multi DRM.

According to Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Han, Sigma Multi-DRM includes three layers of protection that have been certified by Catersian, an international organization specializing in testing security products globally. Currently, only one product of a technology company in Southeast Asia has been granted this certification.

Sigma Multi-DRM includes three layers of protection that have been certified by Catersian

The tool provides a proactive monitoring solution, including five key features: multi-dimensional threat detection, VPN detection and removal, packet spoofing resistance, user behavior analysis and real-time information.

Using Sigma Multi-DRM integrated with SAO, OTT TV service providers and online music and movie publishers can protect exclusive content, enhance brand reputation, optimize revenue and be proactive in security.

The success of Thu Do Multimedia

Sigma Multi DRM has proven its importance in protecting digital content, especially Telemovie. By integrating AI, Sigma Multi DRM is truly a smart solution, capable of detecting and warning of abnormalities such as device counterfeiting or security vulnerabilities, at an extremely “lightning-fast” speed, in just 1/1000 of a second.

Sigma Multi-DRM’s AI technology helps detect copyright infringements, especially cross-border exploitation activities, providing a comprehensive copyright protection solution for Telemovie. Thanks to that, film producers and distributors can feel secure in distributing content nationwide.

Sigma Multi-DRM is not just a regular software, but a comprehensive steel shield, helping organizations and businesses producing and trading Telemovie to smash all “brain-stealing” plots. This is the ultimate solution in copyright protection, ensuring absolute safety for their “brainchildren”. Sigma Multi-DRM not only brings peace of mind but is also a tool to protect core rights and values, helping businesses stand firm against all challenges and risks of increasingly sophisticated copyright infringement today.

Thu Do Multimedia’s solution has since become the key to helping businesses not only stop the situation of “serious loss of revenue” but also increase profits rapidly thanks to optimal protection of Telemovie products. Investing in Sigma Multi-DRM, a comprehensive solution, actually only takes up an extremely small amount, even insignificant compared to the huge losses that businesses can suffer when copyright is stolen. This is not just a choice but a strategic step to preserve value and grow sustainably.

Read more: Thu Do Multimedia introduces 3 AI integrated solutions at Telefilm 2024


Above are 5 sophisticated tricks that hackers often use to steal Telemovie assets of businesses that businesses may not realize. To control and protect Telemovie products comprehensively against these increasingly complex threats, deploying the Sigma Multi-DRM solution is extremely urgent. This is not only a protection solution but also a sustainable strategy, helping businesses maintain safety, control revenue and protect reputation during product development. Contact Thu Do Multimedia for the most detailed solution advice!