5 Problems Businesses Encounter When Developing Online Training Platforms

5 Problems Businesses Encounter When Developing Online Training Platforms

The path to developing an online training platform is not easy, to achieve success there will certainly be problems and risks that businesses need to pay attention to. Don’t worry too much! Check out the following 5 problems that your business may be facing.

5 things to consider now if your online training business is not working:

1. Low ROI

ROI (abbreviation of Return On Investment) means return on investment, return on investment or also known as profit rate. This is an index that helps businesses measure the performance or profit from an initial investment.

This is a problem that many online course content developers worry about in the early stages. When investing a lot in creating content, personnel costs, operations, software, etc. But when collecting, the profit is too low, there are no students registering for the course.

Profits plummet

This is an index that directly affects the business’s profits, so businesses pay attention to finding solutions to improve the problem of low ROI. Some businesses do not build a brand but want to generate revenue immediately, so they invest a lot of money in advertising, but the results are very low. Advertising costs account for 80% of revenue.

If your business is experiencing this situation, stop and consider the following factors:

Data Analysis:

is the key to evaluating and improving the effectiveness of course content. By collecting and analyzing data from many different sources, we can objectively evaluate the effectiveness of each course. From there, we can determine which factors are affecting the learning outcomes of students, such as content quality, teaching methods or interactions between instructors and students.

Data analysis
Data analytics for online courses

Improve Content:

Course content plays an important role in retaining students. It is the core issue for students to continue investing in the course and recommend it to others. To improve the quality of content, make sure the courses are constantly updated and suitable for the actual needs of students.

In addition to teaching theories, applying different teaching methods to make learning practical such as solving case studies, practice, and interaction between lecturers and students is necessary.

Strengthen Marketing:

To attract more students, we need to diversify marketing channels, such as social networks, email marketing, online advertising. Besides, building a strong personal brand, providing valuable free content is also a way to attract the attention of potential customers.

Ensure Market Demand:

Before mapping out the curriculum, carefully research the market to understand how much % of market demand this course is providing, what are the gaps that other courses cannot meet. Nowadays, each short-term or long-term course is awarded a certificate after the course, this is a good way that businesses can apply to motivate students to complete the entire online course and have results to beautify their profile.

2. Poor video quality

Many courses fail because their content is not up to par with what learners are used to. Modules may be too large and not engaging for viewers during online training. Some problems encountered include:

High content loading delay: When videos or content are delivered in large chunks, loading times can be long, especially for users with unstable and slow network connections.
Disrupted experience: Users often experience lag or long waits to view full content, which reduces the learning experience.

Not only that, it is also difficult for administrators to manage online training data, a large volume also makes the server heavy and difficult to download for data analysis.

Design and test carefully

Designers can help you solve this problem, they help you present information logically, in attractive formats, with diverse presentations, combined games, etc. They also know how to arrange content into small modules that readers can easily absorb.

The main solution to the problem is to divide the content into shorter segments. This helps the loading speed to be significantly improved, users do not have to wait for the entire data file

Reduce lag, short segments allow for smoother management and transmission of teaching content, the network does not necessarily have to be too strong to be able to download or view smoothly on the website.

Buy Thu Do Multimedia’s CDN solution now – The leading solution to accelerate digital content transmission

With the strong development of online content, especially video streaming, applying CDN solutions not only improves content quality but also enhances user experience.

CDN's role in smooth online course delivery
CDN’s role in smooth online course delivery

Deliver content closest to users: CDN stores copies of content on multiple servers in different geographical locations, from which content is delivered from the server closest to the user, reducing loading time. This is especially necessary for multinational online training businesses, because the fastest CDN delivery is needed to provide a great experience for learners.

Optimize bandwidth and transmission speed: By cutting content into small pieces and transmitting it through the CDN network, the loading speed and content quality are significantly improved, minimizing lag and interference no matter where learners are.

Ensure content quality in all conditions: Even with a large number of visitors, the CDN system is still able to maintain content quality thanks to the ability to distribute the load evenly across servers.

Small investment – Unexpected efficiency

CDN is truly a necessary solution in today’s video industry. Without knowing about CDN, businesses will not be able to bring a smooth learning experience to subscribers. Online platforms always try to squeeze the video resolution down, making the video very blurry and less interactive. This is a big problem and CDN helps businesses to deliver scientific online content, in line with the learner’s psychology and sharp and smooth in any situation.

A small investment but can help businesses convey messages seamlessly, keeping viewers engaged for a long time. It’s like the experience of watching a good movie on “Netflix”, very smooth and very engaging. Increase learning efficiency for students.

3. Ineffective Marketing

You have a product, but is your business doing a good job of marketing to convey the message to customers? Among hundreds of thousands of online training platforms, what makes you stand out the most? This is a difficult question, right?

Marketing an online course properly is an important factor in determining the success of the course. It provides information to the target audience and encourages them to quickly make a decision to “experience” the course. However, even if you have created a high-quality, informative course, it will not be well communicated to the right people.

For example, the Duolingo learning application is a typical case study for “a separate path” in the online training industry. They accurately identify customers as the young, dynamic, fun, humorous generation, learning like playing, playing like learning, so the marketing sentences or reminders to learn of Duolingo app are very cute and true to the learner’s insight, “I’m too lazy to study”, “I miss you so much, let’s go back to studying”, .. Help retain customers and spread quickly.

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Duolingo Creative Online Marketing

How to increase marketing like Duolingo

Identify the right target audience: Analyze customers according to factors such as age, interests, location, habits, desires, .. To adjust marketing messages to suit the needs of each audience. For example, with primary school students, online training teachers should incorporate many thinking and entertaining games into the lecture, so that children are easily stimulated and explore more.

Create engaging learning content: divide online training content into different pillars, such as blogs, seminars, games, exams, in-depth, etc. Take advantage of technology in teaching to show the intuitiveness and practicality of the theory being received.

Reach the right place: Popular channels used to reach target customers in online training platforms such as social networks, email marketing, websites, groups, etc. In particular, the website needs to be optimized (SEO) properly, trying to bring the article to the top of Google to make it easier for learners to access. In addition, businesses can send marketing emails directly to subscribers to encourage them to buy or re-register for many different courses. This is a channel that Duolingo does very well.

4. Security issues in online training

According to Go-Global’s report on “online copyright infringement”, more than 80% of online video copyright infringement occurs“. This number is alarming, isn’t it? Online courses are also among the videos that hackers often steal.

Online course piracy is a problem that businesses may not have thought about when they encounter a situation of “unsold customers” despite “good courses”. Businesses do not know that their courses have been distributed and “commercialized” at a value of only 1/10 of the original price that the business is selling.

Every day, hundreds of courses are released, but there are also hundreds of courses that are blatantly stolen. Pirated websites will aggregate all the courses of online training platforms or influential teachers and “sell” them at an unimaginably low price. As a result, the assets of the business are reused without their knowledge, and their own original courses have no revenue.

Read more: How Sigma DRM Can Be the Game-Changer for Online Course Management in 2025

Another security issue is the leakage of personal data of students. Information such as name, address, phone number, email can be stolen and used for malicious purposes. In addition, unauthorized access to learning materials, lectures, and tests is also a major concern. Cyber ​​attacks such as DDoS attacks, malware, and viruses are also frequent threats to the online learning system.

A short-sighted mindset of the leader is that: online courses of small businesses do not need copyright protection because there will be no hackers to attack. But the truth is, every course is a “fat prey” for pirated websites to attack. And once a method of protecting assets in cyberspace is not found, the business will lose revenue in the long run.

Security solution – copyright protection for online courses at Thu Do Multimedia

Thu Do Multimedia has developed Sigma DRM technology with the mission of helping businesses protect digital copyrights in cyberspace, reducing the rampant copyright infringement today.

Simply put, Sigma DRM works by encrypting file content with a secret key. When students need to use the online course file, they need the Key to decrypt the file. At this point, students can access the course and enjoy the full lecture in a private space.

Multi-layer content encryption, comprehensive protection:

Overcoming all barriers:

Sigma DRM uses multiple layers of complex encryption, turning learning content into an “impregnable fortress of attackers”. This helps prevent all forms of unauthorized copying and sharing, ensuring that only authorized people can access and use the documents.
Absolute peace of mind:

With a solid security layer, educational institutions can rest assured that their learning materials are securely protected, avoiding leaks or unauthorized use.

Flexible access management, meeting all needs:

Detailed authorization:

Sigma DRM allows administrators to set different access rights for each type of document and each user group. For example, teachers can access all documents, while students can only access documents related to their course.
Optimize the learning experience:

Flexible authorization helps ensure that each user only has access to the necessary information, avoiding information overload and improving learning efficiency.

Effectively detect and prevent copyright infringement:

Monitor all behaviors:

Sigma DRM’s system continuously monitors all activities related to learning materials, from downloading, sharing to printing.
Fast handling of violations:

When detecting any copyright infringement, the system will automatically warn and lock the user’s account, helping to protect the rights of the creator.

Sigma DRM-protecting-online-courses

In short, Sigma DRM is a comprehensive security solution that helps educational institutions protect learning materials, prevent copyright infringement and create a safe and professional online learning environment.

Thu Do Multimedia’s new partner in the education sector is the moon.vn platform, a large online education website in Vietnam. Specializing in providing courses for high school students, university entrance exam preparation.

When deploying Sigma DRM, moon.vn courses are protected and managed easily. No longer is the situation where 60% of courses were stolen before, but instead 100% of courses are managed for access rights, helping businesses increase their reputation and security, increase revenue and profit from online training courses.

Education is the field that needs to deploy Sigma DRM first, because the need is not only to protect digital products such as online courses but also to protect important online documents of teachers, personal information of students, etc.

Protect to survive

Businesses have spent a lot of effort and money to create and own online courses, so the factor of “copyright protection” to avoid attacks or blatant infringement is the first and most important thing in maintaining a long-term business.

The cost of implementing Sima DRM is really too small compared to the loss of revenue that businesses have to bear when courses are leaked. This has been verified.

If your business is experiencing this loss, please contact Thu Do Multimedia – the leading business in online copyright protection in Vietnam, to be listened to, have your difficulties resolved and receive the most thoughtful advice on the optimal solution for your business.

5. Poor resources/unfinished products

This is the final reason for the damage that businesses can most likely encounter in the online course business. Once the course has good content, learners are easily bored, uninterested and do not see the value of the course and negatively affect the brand.

It is necessary to conduct an evaluation survey to know the current state of the training quality, how learners feel about the course, what are the desires and needs for further improvement of each course? From there, businesses will optimize the course and produce more valuable and useful lectures.

Suppose you are developing an online course on digital marketing. After completing a module on SEO, you can conduct a survey to assess learners’ satisfaction with the content, presentation and practice exercises. Based on the survey results, you can adjust the content, add more real-life examples, or change the presentation to better suit the needs of the learners.

Sigma DRM I mentioned above can help businesses save a lot of time, because this technology will analyze each customer experience in detail and suggest better ways to handle the course. This helps businesses not to focus on expensive surveys, but only focus on improving each point in the analysis data is best.

Big challenges come with big rewards…

It’s often difficult to get into a business like eLearning because the risks are often high. However, if you play your cards right, it can be a very profitable venture. The risks of developing online training that we describe in this article may be real for industry professionals, but with careful planning, they overcome them every day and achieve their goals. You can do the same by conducting pre-launch due diligence and setting up a few rounds of testing.

The business’s job now is to pick up the phone and contact Thu Do Multimedia for advice on useful solutions such as Sigma DRM and Sigma Multi CDN – these are 2 warriors that help businesses “fly high and far” on the path to conquering online courses. Get rid of online course content theft easily and manage your business’ digital assets with ease.

Contact Now

Latest Online Copyright Infringement Statistics: Why You Can’t Ignore Content Protection?

Latest Online Copyright Infringement Statistics: Why You Can’t Ignore Content Protection?

Online Copyright Infringement is becoming the ‘last straw’ with alarming violation numbers, billions in revenue losses, and thousands unemployed. Join Thu Do Multimedia in exploring the economic and social impacts, along with solutions to prevent this issue before the damage becomes irreparable.

What is Copyright Infringement? Do You Really Understand It?

Online copyright infringement involves the unauthorized copying, sharing, or use of copyrighted material without the owner’s consent.

Commonly infringed content includes music, movies, software, and video games, through peer-to-peer sharing channels, torrent sites, and illegal streaming platforms.

With the rapid development of the internet, copyright infringement has become increasingly accessible and widespread, posing serious challenges for content creators and businesses.

Types of Online Copyright Infringement

There are many types of online copyright infringement that are taking place in today’s digital world, the common ones that you are most likely to be involved in are:

Music Piracy

Downloading or streaming music without paying the copyright owner has become a huge problem. Illegal music sharing platforms and torrent sites have contributed greatly to the spread of this practice.

Movie and TV Piracy

This involves watching or downloading movies and TV shows without a license. Many websites offer free streaming services, attracting a large number of users and causing damage to the entertainment industry.

Software Piracy

Copying, distributing or using software without purchasing a license is a serious form of infringement that negatively affects software developers and companies.

E-book Piracy

Digital content such as e-books and audiobooks are also being heavily pirated, directly affecting authors and publishers.

The Serious Consequences of Online Piracy

No one wants their hard work to be “blatantly stolen” in just a few seconds. The problem of “piracy” is not only about sales, but also about ethics and human consciousness. The more it spreads and becomes “obvious”, the more people’s thoughts and wills will be distorted. Below is a deeper analysis of the serious consequences of “brain theft”.

Global Financial Losses

Online piracy is causing huge financial losses to industries around the world. In the United States, entertainment businesses lose $29.2 billion each year in online video piracy alone.

However, this impact is not limited to the film and television industry. The music, software, e-book and video game industries are also seriously affected. When content is shared and used illegally, companies lose a significant portion of their revenue, causing economic imbalances.

Businesses lose revenue, leading to cuts in investment, development costs, and ultimately profits. Not only private businesses, but also governments are affected by the loss of tax revenue from related industries.

Job Loss

In the United States, video piracy has resulted in the loss of between 230,000 and 560,000 jobs each year. This primarily affects creative and high-tech industries such as film production, music, software development, and video games.

Job losses affect directly related industries, spreading to support areas such as marketing, post-production, intellectual property management, and customer service. They suffer the most, as they do not have the resources to deal with the spread of piracy.

Hindering Technological Development

Piracy also creates major barriers to innovation and technological development. When businesses lose revenue due to piracy, they no longer have the motivation and finances to invest in research and development (R&D). This leads to delays in the implementation of new technologies, innovative products and breakthrough services.

For industries such as software and communications, continuous innovation is vital to stay competitive and meet consumer needs. When the motivation for innovation is reduced, not only businesses but the entire technology ecosystem slows down, affecting the progress of society as a whole.

Online Piracy Report: The Numbers Say It All

The Rise of Online Piracy

According to Go-Globe statistics, the number of visits made to pirated websites during the period 2023 – 2024 is 141 billion. This is an alarming number in the industry. In particular, the United States, Russia, and China contribute the highest number of visits.

Video (movies and TV shows) is the most pirated content, reaching 66% of the total pirated content. During the Covid 19 period, the number of global film piracy increased by 33% compared to the previous period.

The numbers say it all about the “piracy pandemic”

According to Go-Global statistics:

  • $9.8 billion in lost revenue in 2018 due to piracy in the music industry.
  • The United States loses $29.2 billion in revenue each year due to online video piracy.
  • An economic loss of $51.6 billion is due to online movie and TV piracy.
  • $300 million in publisher revenue is lost each year due to e-book piracy.
  • The United States loses between 230,000 and 560,000 jobs each year due to online video piracy.
  • 37% of the software running in the world is unlicensed.
  • 2 out of every 5 copies of software running in the world are unpaid.
  • Illegal streaming accounts for 80% of online video piracy.
  • 24% of users download music from illegal sources.
  • 26% of online users download movies or TV series from illegal sources.
  • 13% of users download e-books or audiobooks from illegal sources.
bao cao vi pham ban quyen truc tuyen
Alarming numbers about online piracy

Looking at these statistics, it’s too terrible, right? The problem of copyright is really spreading and is difficult to handle thoroughly. The sophistication of hackers has illegally spread “private” resources into “public” ones without having to spend a penny and illegally gain huge profits from “black” content such as betting ads, 18+, gambling, football, etc.

Content creators and producers increasingly want to protect their digital assets in cyberspace, while users want to “freely” use the products they create. However, the ones who are most heavily affected are none other than the businesses and organizations that produce those billion-dollar content. Therefore, businesses and organizations always want to find optimal solutions to thoroughly solve this problem.

Who are the copyright infringement? Understanding demographics

Younger demographics, particularly Gen Z and Millennials, are more likely to engage in online piracy. There are several reasons for this trend:

Limited Disposable Income: Many individuals in these age groups are students or early-career professionals who might not have the financial means to pay for premium content, such as movies, TV shows, software, or music.

Tech-Savvy: These generations are more familiar with digital tools, peer-to-peer networks, and streaming technology, making it easier for them to engage in piracy.

Desire for Instant Access: Gen Z and Millennials tend to prioritize immediacy, seeking the latest content as soon as it becomes available. Piracy often provides a quicker route to access than waiting for legal streaming options.

Furthermore, cultural norms around online sharing differ between generations. The idea of freely sharing content, which has roots in early internet culture, continues to influence the behavior of these younger groups.

Number of Visits to Pirate Sites Per Country
Number of Visits to Pirate Sites Per Country

DRM copyright protection solution – “the god of destruction” of online copyright infringement

When it comes to digital copyright protection solutions, DRM solutions come first. This is a comprehensive solution that helps businesses easily manage the rights to share, store or use their digital products to users. Only those authorized have the right to experience and enjoy that product.

Prevents unauthorized downloads by hackers, ensuring your content is protected from any attack, no matter how powerful. DRM is like a solid shield that keeps digital products safe from bombs and thieves.

Top 5 Major Copyright Protection Solution Providers in the World

Microsoft: PlayReady

Microsoft is one of the pioneers in developing DRM solutions. Microsoft’s PlayReady system has become one of the most popular DRM technologies for protecting video and audio content across multiple platforms, including television, radio, and online services.

Microsoft PlayReady

PlayReady provides strong encryption, ensuring that content is only played on authorized devices. This helps content providers securely manage access, minimizing unauthorized copying and distribution. Microsoft’s technology is also integrated into major services such as Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, and Hulu.

Google: Widevine

Google has developed its own DRM system called Widevine, which is one of the most widely used content protection solutions for streaming services.


Widevine is currently being used on leading streaming platforms such as Netflix, YouTube, and Disney+. This system allows content encryption at different security levels, from SD to high-quality UHD/4K, ensuring that access to content is only available to authorized users. In particular, Widevine also supports detecting and preventing unauthorized recording through device ports, helping to protect content from sophisticated copying behaviors.

Apple: FairPlay

Apple has developed FairPlay, a proprietary DRM technology used to protect content on iTunes and Apple TV. FairPlay not only helps manage access to digital content but also helps prevent illegal sharing through strong content encryption. Only users with accounts and authorization can access and use the content.

Thanks to its tight integration with Apple’s ecosystem, FairPlay ensures that content from iTunes or Apple TV is absolutely protected, minimizing the spread and illegal copying on the company’s platforms.

ThuDo Multimedia: Sigma Multi-DRM

In Vietnam, Thu Do Multimedia has developed Sigma Multi DRM, a solution that combines DRM technologies from Microsoft (PlayReady), Google (Widevine), and Apple (FairPlay) to provide a comprehensive protection system for digital content.


By integrating many advanced DRM technologies, this solution ensures content protection on all platforms from television, radio, to streaming. In addition, Sigma Multi-DRM also supports features to detect violations and protect content from external attacks.


OneDRM is a copyright protection solution developed by ETRUE, designed to meet international standards and provide solid protection for digital content. OneDRM offers the ability to customize the DRM solution to suit the specific requirements of businesses and content providers. Unlike some other DRM systems with rigid structures, OneDRM allows for flexible integration, meeting a variety of business models from streaming, downloading to live media services.

Modern DRM technology is not just about encrypting content to prevent copying. These solutions also include many other security measures such as anti-write to device ports, detecting content sources and real-time access control. Ensure that business assets are not easily “overthrown”.

But among the many solution providers, which provider should you choose to ensure business benefits, ensure cost, flexible features and long-term copyright development and management strategies?

“Warrior” to protect digital content copyright is called Sigma Multi DRM of Thu Do Multimedia

Why is that?

Achieving authentication certification by Castesian – the world’s leading reputation

Sigma Multi DRM is a combination of 4 security solutions, including: Play Ready, Widevine and Fairplay, Sigma DRM, has met the standards for most of the largest copyright owners in the world to agree to grant content on the Internet environment.

In December 2019, the digital content copyright protection solution with the commercial name Sigma DRM of Thu do Multimedia was inspected and certified by Cartesian to meet international security standards. Cartesian is an organization specializing in inspecting security products in the world.

On October 16, 2020, after many years of participating in Google’s security training and certification programs, as well as security research and integration, Thudo Multimedia’s Sigma copyright protection project completed the integration of security solutions from Microsoft, Google and Apple with Sigma DRM to become a comprehensive copyright protection solution (commercially named Sigma Multi DRM).

chung chi Catersian
Castesian certification for Sigma Multi DRM

This is a solution that meets both the security requirements at the operating system level (Operating System) often used by companies that own valuable copyrights such as Hollywood film studios, the English Premier League, etc., and also meets the security requirements at the application level of third parties. Sigma Multi DRM participating in the second inspection and passing the security requirements is a very proud event when a Vietnamese technology solution has passed the rigorous tests of a leading prestigious organization in the world.

With the completion of the inspection for the two products Sigma DRM and Sigma Multi DRM from Cartesian, Thu Do continues to be the first enterprise in Vietnam, the only enterprise in Southeast Asia, and 1 of 6 enterprises in Asia to achieve this certification. Up to now, Catersian has certified DRM security solutions for 20 enterprises globally.

Global cooperation – comprehensive protection

Sigma Multi DRM has been deployed for Internet TV service providers (OTT TV), livestreaming of many major domestic and foreign partners. One example is VTVcab ON TV service of Vietnam Cable Television Corporation, currently VTVcab ON has more than 6 million downloads, with a stable number of users of more than 400,000 per month.

Sigma Multi DRM is currently being used to protect TV content of K+, Box, VTVcab channels as well as Hollywood movie content on VTVcab ON TV application.

Explore the unique features of Sigma Multi DRM, not all vendors can do!

1. Multi-platform DRM integration

One of the most notable features of Sigma Multi DRM is the ability to integrate many major DRM technologies such as Microsoft PlayReady, Google Widevine, and Apple FairPlay into a single solution. This helps content providers protect their digital assets across different devices and platforms without having to deploy separate DRM solutions for each ecosystem. This cross-platform integration saves businesses time and effort, while ensuring that content is well protected across Windows, Android, iOS, and other platforms.

how sigma multi drm work

2. Optimized for performance and security

Sigma Multi DRM focuses not only on security but also on performance, ensuring smooth playback of content even when tightly encrypted. High compatibility with multiple video formats (SD, HD, 4K, UHD) and streaming technologies such as HLS and MPEG-DASH make Sigma suitable for a variety of streaming models, from video-on-demand (VoD) services to live broadcasts.

3. High Customizability

Sigma Multi DRM offers high customization for each customer based on their specific needs. With the ability to integrate with different content management systems (CMS) and content distribution platforms, Sigma allows for customizing copyright protection functions according to each business model, from solutions for pay TV, streaming, to e-learning platforms.

4. Cost-effective with scalability

A distinct advantage of Sigma Multi DRM is its cost-effective solution. Despite its competitive price, Sigma Multi DRM still ensures to provide advanced protection features similar to the world’s major DRM systems. The system is also highly scalable, allowing businesses to scale up their content protection without having to invest heavily in new infrastructure or software.

5. Enthusiastic customer support

One of the things that sets Sigma Multi DRM apart from other international solutions is its local customer support and service. As a Thu Do Multimedia product, Sigma has an on-site technical support team that can resolve issues quickly and efficiently.


Sigma Multi DRM stands out with its ability to integrate many leading DRM technologies, providing comprehensive protection and optimization for both performance and security. Real-time monitoring, high customization and reasonable cost make Sigma Multi DRM an ideal solution not only for large enterprises but also for small and medium-sized enterprises looking for a powerful and flexible copyright protection system.

Cooperating with us is the right answer for those who “steal the brains” of the business, because we will work with you to put the Sigma Multi DRM solution into the data system and comprehensively protect the business’s digital products from easy theft as before.

Don’t delay, because businesses are losing 80% of their revenue just because they don’t know how to invest 20% of their costs in a reputable supplier to protect digital content copyright. Connect with us now to receive free consultation and demo!

Read more: 59% Pirated Movies Are Stealing Millions from Bussiness

3 sophisticated hacker tricks that businesses don’t know about

3 Power Benefits Of Watermarking In The Digital Media World

3 Power Benefits Of Watermarking In The Digital Media World

Have you ever watched a blockbuster movie that was leaked online before it was officially released? The feeling of the filmmakers at that time must have been like being “robbed of their brainchild”! That’s why watermarking technology was born, like a “ninja” to protect creative works from “idea thieves”.

Video piracy is becoming an increasingly serious problem in the world of online entertainment. In the sports industry in particular, this situation is causing worrying consequences.

According to a study by Parks Associates, the rate of users who pirate movies and TV shows online in the US is expected to increase from 22% in 2022 to 24.5% in 2027. This shows that the demand for illegal content is increasing.

What is watermarking? Do you understand it correctly?

Simply put, watermarking is the process of embedding an identifying mark (visible or invisible) into an image, video, audio file, etc. Imagine you are marking your territory. If someone tries to “steal” your work, this mark will help you easily identify the source of the theft when there is a warning sign on the server.

2 Most Common Types of Watermarking

Visible Watermarking

is the most recognizable and simplest technique, in which the watermark is placed directly on the original content, easily recognizable by the naked eye. Normally, the watermark will be a logo, text or image that is blurred or transparent so as not to affect the aesthetics of the work too much.

visual watermarking
Visual watermarking is popular now

However, visible watermarks have certain limitations because they are easily removed or covered with photo editing tools. Therefore, “theft” can still occur even when the logo is attached to the business’s product.

Invisible watermarking

is a more sophisticated method in which the watermark is embedded into the pixels of an image, the audio samples, or the data bits of a file in a way that is difficult to detect. Extracting the invisible watermark requires specialized algorithms and software.

This method has the advantage of not affecting the quality of the original content and is more difficult to remove than visible watermarks. However, implementing invisible watermarks is more complex and requires specialized knowledge of signal processing.

These two methods are really effective, and their role and significance for digital content today are well researched.

The Importance of Watermarking for Business

If you want to protect the copyright of your digital content after posting it on an online platform, understand the important roles of watermark for your business products/services:

Copyright protection

The core function of watermarking is to protect copyright. By embedding a recognizable identifier (such as a logo or brand name) into digital content, businesses can legally prove ownership. This is crucial in preventing others from claiming ownership of your products.

Moreover, adding watermarks to digital products helps enhance brand recognition. When customers see your logo or name on each product, they are more likely to remember and recognize your brand. This not only increases professionalism but also enhances the credibility and reputation of your business in the market.

If you are a professional photographer, adding a watermark to your photos helps protect them from being used without your consent. At the same time, every photo with your logo helps promote your brand to a wider audience.

Preventing illegal copying

Illegal copying of digital content is a major issue in the online environment. Watermarks act as a protective layer by making copying more difficult. When users download content that includes a watermark without the owner’s permission, they cannot use it legally, or its quality will be significantly reduced due to third-party software used to remove the watermark.

This significantly reduces unauthorized copying and protects the true value of the business’s products. Furthermore, watermarks may discourage those attempting to copy, as removing the watermark is not easy and will degrade the product’s quality.

Benefits of Preventing Copying:

Protects the value and quality of your brand in the eyes of customers.

Reduces revenue loss caused by illegal copying of products.

Ensures that your products are not used for unlawful or undesirable purposes.

Track usage

n addition to protecting copyright and preventing copying, watermarks also help businesses track and manage the distribution of their content. When a digital product (such as an image, video, or document) is shared without permission or downloaded from unreliable sources, the watermark can help identify the origin of the leak, allowing timely action.

Moreover, modern watermark technology enables the tracking of usage metrics and the extent of content distribution. This allows businesses to better control their intellectual property, ensuring that products are used only within legal and authorized boundaries.

Today, the application of watermarking has become popular in many areas of life

In the entertainment industry, including movies, videos, TV shows, etc. Reality TV shows often embed watermarks in recorded footage to prevent unauthorized rebroadcasts on other TV channels or online platforms.

The film producer 20th Century Fox used watermarks to protect the copyright of trailers and behind-the-scenes images of the film. These watermarks are usually the studio logo or the film name placed in the corner of the image or in the moving frames.

It is also widely used in the publishing industry to protect the copyright of books, magazines, documents or to protect online lectures in online courses. Online learning platforms such as Coursera and Udemy often embed watermarks in video lectures to prevent copying of courses and commercialization.

In the music industry, platforms such as Spotify and Apple Music have used watermark to manage the music copyrights of artists, allowing only subscribers to enjoy songs, playlists of idols or the latest music. In music, copyright is very strict, just violating music copyright will cause the video to be removed or muted.

Gaming industry: Watermarks are used to protect digital game assets, such as 3D models, textures and sounds. Copyrighting games is not copied and plagiarized.

What will be different about the future of watermarking?

The future of watermarking is promising thanks to the development of artificial intelligence (AI). The application of AI to the process of creating and detecting watermarks will bring significant breakthroughs:

Creating smart, complex, hard-to-detect and highly customizable watermarks. Instead of simple, static watermarks, AI can create dynamic watermarks that change over time or context, enhancing protection.

Integration with other technologies: Watermark will be more deeply integrated with technologies such as blockchain, to create a more comprehensive and reliable copyright protection system. Blockchain can help store watermark information securely and immutably, creating a digital copyright registry.

Or application to new fields such as virtual reality, augmented reality and the Internet of Things. For example, watermark can be used to protect 3D models, virtual reality experiences, or sensor data. Watermark is not only a protection for conventional digital products, but in the future, it will be powerful and protect all areas of technology.

The difference between DRM and Watermarking

DRM and watermarking are separate but complementary strategies used in the field of video streaming security. DRM acts as a “full-fledged fortress,” protecting digital content by encrypting it and controlling access through licensing mechanisms. Its main goal is to prevent unauthorized viewing, copying, or distribution.

Sigma DRM
Sigma DRM

In contrast, watermarking is a sophisticated but powerful technique that involves embedding invisible marks directly into content, allowing traceability in the event of a leak or unauthorized sharing. While DRM focuses on restricting access, watermarking acts as a forensic tool, allowing the source of unauthorized distribution to be identified.

The key difference lies in their primary functions: DRM is the “gatekeeper,” ensuring that only authorized users can access and use content, while watermarking is the “detective,” leaving an indelible trace for identification after the event. DRM operates secretly in the background, while watermarking can leave a faint trace that can be detected if actively searched for.

A combination of both technologies is often applied, leveraging DRM for strong access control and adding watermarks for traceability, creating a multi-faceted defense against the multi-faceted challenges posed by unauthorized access and distribution in the dynamic video streaming landscape.

Secure your streaming content today!

As the digital landscape continues to evolve, watermarking continues to be valuable in protecting your digital content from unauthorized theft. Helping businesses protect their brainchild from the “dark universe”.

Recognizing the need for strong content copyright protection, Thu Do Multimedia has developed Sigma Watermarking and Sigma DRM solutions to fulfill the mission of protecting digital content copyright.

Introduction to copyright protection solutions at Thu Do Multimedia

Sigma Watermarking Solution

Sigma Watermarking is our popular digital music solution. Sigma Watermarking is used to mark (digitally sign) when distributing or deriving a musical work, from which it is possible to easily trace pirated music or track the distribution and use of the work.

Sigma Watermarking can add watermarks to music products or insert hidden images into sounds to protect copyrights for artists. This is a product dedicated to the music industry of MCM businesses.

sigma watermarking
Musician Le Minh Son talks about protecting music copyright

Musician Le Minh Son said that he and his colleagues have worked hard to develop the MCM Online Music Copyright Ecosystem – the first music copyright protection platform in the digital environment in Vietnam in February 2022. Therefore, although he is an artist, the musician is not afraid of copyright protection issues when putting the album Tinh – Yeu troi bo doi on online music platforms in addition to the traditional physical method.

Thanks to the support of Sigma Watermarking, MCM released the album on 52 online music platforms worldwide, including the largest platforms such as Apple Music, Spotify, Amazon Music, Alibaba, Nhaccuatui, Zing MP3, MCM Music… from December 1, 2022 without worrying about copyright infringement anymore.

Sigma DRM – Complete control of digital copyright for all multi-industry businesses

When it comes to digital copyright protection, Thu Do Multimedia’s Sigma DRM solution cannot be ignored. It is a powerful, resilient solution to preserve business content such as movies, videos, audio, etc.

Why do businesses need Sigma DRM solutions?

Comprehensive digital data management and protection

With Sigma DRM, businesses can set specific access rights for each user, ensuring that only authorized people can access documents, videos or other important digital assets. This not only protects content from unauthorized copying but also controls how that content is used and distributed.

Protect Intellectual Property and Increase Profits

With Sigma DRM, businesses not only protect their digital assets, but also optimize their intellectual property. This means minimizing the damage caused by copyright infringement, while increasing profits from the legitimate exploitation of digital assets.

Thu Do Multimedia’s comprehensive partner is VTVcab On, thanks to the implementation of copyright protection with Sigma DRM, the VTVcab ON OTT platform has reached more than 6 million downloads and more than 400,000 monthly users. Protecting high-quality content packages such as from K+, Box, VTVcab, and even famous Hollywood movies has helped VTVcab not only completely prevent copyright infringement but also increase customer trust and satisfaction.

Comprehensive control across all platforms

A prominent advantage of Sigma DRM is the ability to control content across multiple platforms and devices. Businesses can set limits on access time, number of devices, or content resolution. This is especially useful when implementing marketing campaigns or when distributing digital content to customers.

How Sigma DRM Works

Sigma DRM operates by encoding and packaging your applications, ensuring that they can only be accessed and used in accordance with your terms and conditions. This prevents unauthorized distribution and modification of your content. Additionally, Sigma DRM can be applied at different stages of the application lifecycle, providing comprehensive protection: Software, mobile app,..

How Sigma DRM work
How Sigma DRM work


Protecting digital copyright is the responsibility of digital creators, because it is beneficial to businesses and helps maintain the longevity of digital products. A product can only be reinvested many times when it is protected and controlled by the author himself.

Thu Do Multimedia is very proud to be able to develop the Sigma DRM solution to help businesses no longer lose revenue and effort in creating or releasing digital products.

Cooperate with us today, to join hands in developing and pushing back the “free use” phenomenon, because we can certainly help you achieve that in the easiest and most comprehensive way.

Read more: Video Industry Trends and Technologies for 2025

3sophisticated hackers use to steal telemovie

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Are we being too comfortable with pirated app? Future prediction of app protection in 2025

Are we being too comfortable with pirated app? Future prediction of app protection in 2025

The world is facing serious problems with pirated applications. Even Vietnam, a developing country, is ranked third in Southeast Asia in terms of illegal content distribution rate. Let’s learn about the consequences of this behavior with Thu Do Multimedia and future trend of app protection in the upcoming years!

Pirate of the digital sea!

Pirated app are software, games or other applications that are copied, distributed, installed or used without the permission of the copyright owner. In other words, they are digital products that are “cracked” or “unlocked” for free use or at a lower price than the original.

The proliferation of pirated applications has become a pressing issue in today’s digital age, with far-reaching consequences for both individuals and businesses. This problem is particularly urgent due to the following reasons:

The widespread availability of pirated applications poses a significant threat to the revenue of software developers. By offering free or discounted alternatives to legitimate software, pirated applications divert potential customers away from paying for licensed versions.

This loss of revenue can have a devastating impact on developers’ ability to sustain their businesses and invest in future projects. As a result, the development of innovative new software may be hindered, leading to a less vibrant and dynamic digital ecosystem.

The pervasive use of pirated applications poses a serious threat to the security of devices and networks. These applications often contain malicious code, such as malware and viruses, which can infiltrate systems and compromise sensitive data.

Once installed, these harmful elements can steal personal information, financial data, and other valuable assets, leading to data breaches and identity theft. This not only causes financial loss but also damages individuals’ reputations and can have long-lasting consequences.

The act of pirating applications is a flagrant violation of copyright laws, which protect the intellectual property of software developers. Those caught using pirated software may face legal repercussions, including fines, lawsuits, and potential damage to their reputation.

Businesses that are found to be in violation of copyright laws may suffer significant financial losses, damage to their brand, and even legal action. This can have a devastating impact on their operations and future prospects.

Pirated applications create an unfair playing field, giving them an advantage over legitimate software developer. The widespread use of pirated software can undermine the entire software industry, leading to job losses and economic instability.

The use of pirated software can inadvertently support illegal activities such as organized crime and money laundering. By purchasing pirated software, individuals may be unknowingly funding criminal organizations that engage in these illicit activities. This can have serious consequences for society, including increased violence, corruption, and economic instability.

Furthermore, pirating applications is a form of theft that deprives creators of the fruits of their labor. Software developers invest significant time, effort, and resources into creating their products. When these products are pirated, their hard work is stolen, and they are denied the fair compensation they deserve. This can discourage innovation and reduce the overall quality and quantity of software available to consumers.

Consequences for developers

The widespread availability of pirated applications poses a significant threat to the revenue of software developers. By offering free or discounted alternatives to legitimate software, pirated applications divert potential customers away from paying for licensed versions.

This loss of revenue can have a devastating impact on developers’ ability to sustain their businesses and invest in future projects. As a result, the development of innovative new software may be hindered, leading to a less vibrant and dynamic digital ecosystem.

Especially with the current hit games like Resident Evil 4 or The Silent Hills, the producers have had to spend millions of dollars on production costs. And the pirated applications floating on the market of this game have greatly affected the revenue of CAPCOM.

Pirated App
Pirated versions of the game “Resident Evil 4” were illegally posted on Reddit

The lack of recognition and financial reward for their work can diminish developers’ enthusiasm and motivation. When developers see their efforts exploited through piracy, it can lead to a sense of discouragement and a loss of drive.

This loss of motivation can have a direct impact on the quality and quantity of software being produced, as developers may become less invested in their work and less likely to take risks or pursue innovative projects.

The widespread availability of pirated versions of their software can damage the reputation of developers and their products. When consumers are able to easily access pirated copies of software, it can create the perception that the software is not valuable or worth paying for. This can damage the reputation of both the software and the developer, making it more difficult to attract new customers and compete with rivals.

Furthermore, the existence of pirated software can make it more difficult for developers to justify the price of their legitimate products. If consumers can obtain similar software for free, they may be less willing to pay for the legitimate version, even if it offers additional features or benefits. This can put pressure on developers to lower their prices, which can reduce their profitability and make it harder to invest in future projects.

The On-going solution

To combat the issue of pirated app, it is essential to educate the public about the negative consequences of using them and promote understanding of intellectual property rights.

Launching targeted campaigns can effectively inform individuals and businesses about the risks associated with pirated app.

These campaigns can highlight the potential security threats, legal implications, and ethical concerns associated with using such software. By showcasing real-world examples of data breaches, lawsuits, and financial losses, these campaigns can create a strong sense of urgency and motivate people to make informed choices.

Maybe one article is not enough, but if the whole community speaks up, pirated apps will no longer be a problem!

Promoting understanding of intellectual property rights is another crucial step. Educational initiatives can be implemented in schools, workplaces, and community centers to teach people about the concept of copyright and the importance of respecting creators’ work.

By emphasizing the value of intellectual property and the legal consequences of infringement, these initiatives can foster a culture of respect for creators’ rights and encourage individuals to support legitimate software.

To maximize the impact of awareness campaigns and education initiatives, it is essential to collaborate with various stakeholders, including government agencies, educational institutions, industry organizations, and media outlets. By working together, these entities can develop comprehensive strategies and leverage their resources to reach a wider audience and create a lasting impact.

The existing copyright laws and regulations may require updates to provide stronger protection for software developers. This can involve increasing penalties for copyright infringement, expanding the scope of legal protections, and streamlining enforcement procedures. By strengthening the legal framework, we can create a more deterring environment for those who engage in piracy.

Sigma DRM: Protecting Your Applications in the Digital Age

Sigma DRM, a cutting-edge solution from Thu Do Multimedia, is designed to safeguard your applications in the digital landscape. With its robust security features and user-friendly interface, Sigma DRM offers a comprehensive and adaptable DRM solution tailored for various application types.

Enhanced Security

Sigma DRM employs advanced encryption and protection mechanisms to prevent unauthorized access, distribution, and modification of your applications. This safeguards your intellectual property and protects against piracy.

Flexible Deployment

Sigma DRM is compatible with a wide range of platforms and devices, ensuring seamless integration into your application ecosystem. This flexibility allows you to reach a broader audience and protect your content across different channels.

User-Friendly Experience

Sigma DRM is designed to minimize disruptions to the user experience. It offers a balance between security and usability, ensuring that your users can access and enjoy your applications without unnecessary hurdles.

Tailored Protection

Sigma DRM can be customized to meet the specific requirements of your applications. This allows you to implement granular controls, protect different types of content, and address unique security challenges.


Sigma DRM is designed to handle applications of varying complexity and scale. Whether you have a small-scale application or a large-scale enterprise solution, Sigma DRM can provide the necessary protection.

Sigma DRM operates by encoding and packaging your applications, ensuring that they can only be accessed and used in accordance with your terms and conditions. This prevents unauthorized distribution and modification of your content. Additionally, Sigma DRM can be applied at different stages of the application lifecycle, providing comprehensive protection to:

Enterprise Software

Protect sensitive business data and intellectual property in enterprise applications.

Mobile Apps

Safeguard mobile applications from piracy and unauthorized distribution.

E-learning Platforms

Secure educational content and prevent unauthorized access to course materials, such as Coursera

Media Streaming Services

Protect streaming content from unauthorized downloads and distribution.

Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) Platforms

Secure SaaS applications and prevent unauthorized access to customer data.

Thu Do Multimedia’s Sigma DRM solution is certified. Many leading Vietnamese and international studios and production houses choose Sigma DRM as their leading solution for managing their intellectual property. However, some regions or countries require compliance with specific security standards, and relying on a single solution may not be enough to meet these requirements.

Through more than 14 years of development and constant service innovation, we can proudly said that our products have continuously improved and gained a foothold in the international market. Especially, in December 2019, the Sigma DRM solution to protect digital content copyright with the commercial name Sigma DRM of Thu Do Multimedia Joint Stock Company (Thu Do Multimedia) was inspected and certified by Cartesian to meet international security standards. Cartesian is an organization specializing in inspecting security products in the world.

Sigma Multi DRM against pirated app
Sigma Multi – DRM Solution (Thu Do Multimedia)

Sigma drm against pirated app
Sigma DRM – DRM Solution (Thu Do Multimedia)

Learn about our project: https://nhandan.vn/ra-mat-he-sinh-thai-ban-quyen-am-nhac-truc-tuyen-mcm-post

The Future of DRM and App Protection

The future of DRM (Digital Rights Management) for pirated applications is likely to be shaped by the same trends driving the broader DRM landscape. As technology advances and user expectations evolve, DRM solutions will need to adapt to address new challenges and opportunities.

Increased Integration with Cloud Services:

As cloud computing becomes increasingly prevalent, DRM solutions will likely integrate more seamlessly with cloud-based platforms. This will enable more flexible and scalable DRM implementations, as well as enhanced protection against cloud-based piracy.

Improved Balance Between Security and User Convenience:

There will be a growing emphasis on striking a balance between robust security measures and a positive user experience. DRM solutions will need to evolve to provide effective protection without hindering user enjoyment or causing unnecessary friction.

Adoption of Blockchain Technology:

Blockchain technology offers the potential to enhance transparency, security, and traceability in DRM systems. By leveraging blockchain, DRM solutions can create an immutable record of content ownership and usage, making it more difficult for pirated applications to proliferate.

AI-Driven DRM:

Artificial intelligence (AI) can be used to develop more sophisticated DRM systems that can dynamically adjust security measures based on user behavior and threat intelligence. This can help to prevent new forms of piracy and improve the overall effectiveness of DRM solutions.

As a pioneer in the field of DRM, Sigma DRM is well-positioned to address the challenges and opportunities presented by the evolving landscape of pirated applications. Thu Do Multimedia, the developer of Sigma DRM, is committed to staying at the forefront of DRM technology and continuously improving its solutions.

As businesses operating in the game industry continue to thrive in the future, Sigma DRM will also have more opportunities to assert itself in the international market. Thu Do Multimedia will always try to improve Sigma DRM solution to keep up with the trends of the market and still maintain the goals and directions of our business:

Enhanced Security: Sigma DRM will continue to invest in advanced security measures to protect against emerging threats and prevent the distribution of pirated applications.

User-Centric Design: The solution will be designed to minimize disruptions to the user experience, ensuring that legitimate users can access and enjoy applications without hindrance.

Scalability: Sigma DRM will be scalable to accommodate the growing complexity and scale of pirated application ecosystems.

Integration with Emerging Technologies: Sigma DRM will integrate with emerging technologies, such as blockchain and AI, to enhance its effectiveness and address future challenges.


While it is difficult to predict the exact trajectory of pirated applications, it is clear that DRM solutions will play a crucial role in combating this issue. By staying ahead of the curve and adopting innovative technologies, Sigma DRM can help to protect the interests of software developers and ensure a more secure and equitable digital landscape.

Please contact Thu Do Multimedia and we will be answering your question as soon as posible.

Video Industry Trends and Technologies to Follow for 2025

Video Industry Trends and Technologies to Follow for 2025

The video industry is undergoing a period of rapid transformation, driven by technological advancements and viewer preferences. Businesses are increasingly turning to video content to convey their messages. Join Thu Do Multimedia to update the latest video production trends and technologies in 2025!

Video Industry Market Size and Trends

The video industry market size reached US$70.40 billion in 2022 and is expected to grow at a strong compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of up to 33.5% from 2023 to 2030. The video production industry is undergoing significant transformation, with the explosion of new technologies and changes in consumer behavior.

Especially with the development of online platforms such as Netflix, Amazon Prime, Disney+ and Youtube. This trend is driven by the increasing demand of consumers for video on demand. For example, Netflix has expanded its original content production, investing heavily in creating unique shows and movies to attract subscribers worldwide.

With the rise of mobile, video formats have also changed, focusing more on vertical video formats, suitable for the size of the phone because consumers often use phones more than devices such as desktops, tablets, etc. Videos on Tiktok and Instagram reels, Youtube reels have become popular among users, driving the demand for short-form content creation, and becoming a dominant player in the social media landscape.

User-generated content is more valuable to brands. Companies encourage customers to create their own videos, more personal experiences and share content related to their products.

According to Horizon report, Global video production market 2023 – 2030, highlights

develop video industry 2018 2030
  • The global video production market generated a revenue of USD 98,987.9 million in 2023 and is expected to reach USD 746,876.7 million by 2030.
  • The market is expected to grow at a CAGR (2024 – 2030) of 33.5% by 2030.
  • In terms of segment, fantasy & science fiction accounted for a revenue of USD 27,526.4 million in 2023.
  • Fantasy & Science Fiction is the most lucrative genre segment registering the fastest growth during the forecast period.
  • In terms of region, North America was the largest revenue generating market in 2023.
  • Country-wise, U.S. is expected to register the highest CAGR from 2024 to 2030.

Based on the report on the future trends of the video industry, it shows the rapid and ever-increasing growth of video for society and entertainment in the technology era.

Video genres “dominate” the screen

What genres are developing in the video industry?

According to Horizon’s report on the development of video in 2017 – 2030, different film genres are witnessing a remarkable growth in revenue, thanks to the diversification of global audience needs. Action and adventure films will lead in revenue thanks to their ability to attract large audiences from both young and old. Horror and thriller films will also have stable revenue, or science fiction films continue to attract a loyal fan base thanks to technological elements and breakthrough creativity.

From the genre trends that can continue to develop in the near future, businesses can have an overview to produce films and videos that are suitable for the trends and preferences of global audiences.

Which countries are the “sharks” in the video industry

Regional-wise, North America, especially the United States, continues to lead the global video production market thanks to its thriving ecosystem of Hollywood and major tech companies. European countries such as the UK, Germany, and France have also seen significant growth, with a diversification of cultural and local content. In the Asia-Pacific region, China, India, and Japan are emerging countries with strong content production power and regional influence.

Video trends predicted to grow and explode in 2025

1. Short-form videos for social networks

The strong rise of Tik Tok and Instagram Reels, Youtube Reels has affirmed the important role of short-form video content in digital marketing strategies. Videos from 15-60 seconds not only attract attention quickly on high-paced platforms, but also help businesses convey messages in a concise and effective way. This is the reason why short videos have become an indispensable element in the marketing strategies of businesses on social networks.

noi dung ngan
Short – term video industry trends

According to the event, by 2025, short videos will continue to “dominate” the social media landscape. This is a good sign for brands to be more creative in presenting a message that can be summarized into a smooth, easy-to-imagine and “long-remember” video. From product introduction videos, behind-the-scenes videos, promotional programs, short videos are the optimal tool to increase interaction and connect with consumers.

The challenge for businesses in video production is creativity, smoothness, high quality, expressing authenticity to attract and be consistent with the brand message. The first 3 seconds are not attractive, customers can skip you immediately, businesses need to update algorithms, trends to catch up with the video market.

A typical example is Duolingo, a famous language learning application. Duolingo has taken advantage of the power of short videos on TikTok to create humorous content, flexibly combining internet culture memes and educational elements. These videos have helped Duolingo not only attract millions of viewers but also become a fun and close brand icon, helping to significantly increase brand recognition in a short time.

2. AI in video production

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Apply AI to video industry for 2025

In 2025, artificial intelligence (AI) will play an important role in optimizing the video and film production process. AI helps automate many stages of production, from script writing, shooting planning and post-production editing. From there, it is a “powerful assistant” to help you reduce filming time and costs. If a business wants AI to analyze the script?, can they support or which shooting angles are the best? They can analyze in detail.

AI is also used strongly in creating special effects and complex CGI. AI technology has the ability to simulate natural phenomena, object movements or create digital characters, bringing realism to every detail, which you may not expect.

In action scenes that require high precision and safety, AI can support through automatic camera technology and very modern sensor editing systems. For example, AI can automatically recognize and track fast-moving objects, such as racing cars or battle scenes, helping to film complex scenes smoothly and quickly.

However, modernity always comes with high investment costs, not all organizations and businesses invest in AI in video production, so businesses can consider depending on the situation and expected shooting scenes of their business.

3. 360 Video for Immersive Experiences

This is a trend that is gaining traction in 2024 and will continue to “lead the trend” in 2025. Unlike traditional videos, 360-degree videos allow viewers to explore every angle of the scene, creating a sense of life and high interaction. Professional filmmakers are taking advantage of this interactive element to bring new ways to introduce products, locations or events.

video 360 degree
Development of VR for 2025

In commercial video production, 360-degree videos open up a huge opportunity to engage audiences in a whole new way. Imagine potential customers being able to virtually tour your business, or experience an event from multiple perspectives, all with just one click. Industries such as real estate, travel and retail are taking advantage of this trend to introduce spaces and products in an immersive way, helping to increase interaction and attract customers.

With the development of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) technology, 360-degree videos will become an indispensable part of many brands’ marketing strategies. Not only entertaining, this trend also helps create memorable interactive experiences, impressing audiences and driving higher conversion rates.

4. Interactive content for deeper interaction

Interactive videos are emerging as an important trend, promising to reshape the future of video advertising. Unlike traditional videos, interactive videos allow video viewers to directly participate in the content through choices, clicking on highlights or answering questions. This increases viewer interaction with businesses, businesses can easily grasp user trends and serve customers better.

Interactive videos are especially effective in brand storytelling, where viewers can interact with the storyline, make decisions or navigate through different content sections. Film producers can take advantage of this video trend by surveying and asking viewers for their opinions on the scenes or endings they expect to see in order to achieve high ratings.

By 2025, more and more businesses will adopt interactive video to create personalized, engaging experiences that inspire action from consumers.

The future of video production will dramatically change the way businesses craft messages and deliver them to viewers. From AI-driven automation to immersive 360-degree videos and interactive content, it will change the way brands create and share stories.

Copyright issues in video production: High cost, but high risk of theft

In today’s digital age, video production is becoming an important marketing strategy for businesses. However, one of the biggest challenges that video producers are facing is copyright and copyright protection of video content.

Videos industry, especially professional videos with high investment levels, require large costs for filming, editing, acting and even advertising. However, when these videos are released on digital platforms, the risk of content theft without copyright protection becomes more common than ever.

A typical example is movies on online movie platforms such as Netflix, K+, Disney+, etc. Even though the copyright of the movie has been purchased, it is still stolen by pirated movie websites and posted for free on those pirated websites. This greatly affects the revenue and reputation of movie producers and distributors. Pirated websites show movies but insert a lot of commercial advertisements from parties such as cockfighting, gambling, etc., which negatively affect viewers’ perception and pose a great potential risk to social trends.

The cost of producing a professional video is not small. According to a report, a short promotional video can cost from several thousand to hundreds of dollars depending on the scale and requirements of the project. However, if copyright is not strictly protected, they can easily be stolen and spread on online channels.

Join hands to defeat the “pandemic”

The “pandemic” of pirated movies, the consciousness of “free viewing” has spread and burned many film and video production businesses. Therefore, applying strong copyright protection measures such as Sigma DRM is extremely important. This technology helps businesses control access and distribution of their content, thereby protecting intellectual property rights and maximizing the value of the video content they produce.

Copyright protection will continue to be a vital element for businesses in the video industry. Investing in Sigma DRM copyright and security technology will certainly help businesses escape the “black hole of pirated movies” and allow businesses to be more confident in developing high-quality, creative and unique content without worrying about “lurking thieves” and “hunting robbers”.

Sigma Multi DRM – A “vaccine” against the piracy epidemic in the video industry

DRM is a digital rights management technology that helps control and prevent unauthorized access to digital content. Sigma Multi DRM is the most advanced solution today in preventing copying and distributing pirated videos. This technology works by encrypting digital content and restricting user access, allowing only those who have been legally licensed to access and view the content.

The highlight of Sigma Multi DRM is the ability to integrate with many different streaming platforms, from services such as Netflix, Amazon Prime to internal systems of businesses. This helps protect video content from being copied, even when it has been released on legal distribution channels. With comprehensive protection capabilities, Sigma Multi DRM becomes one of the leading solutions to prevent copyright infringement.

Sigma Multi DRM solution has achieved the world’s leading Cartesian certification for the first strong digital copyright protection with 3 layers of security.

Sigma- Multi- DRM-dat-chung-chi-Catersian
Sigma- Multi- DRM- Catersian certificate

Sigma Multi DRM is not a steel “wall” that no one can penetrate, but it is a “key” that its owner can allow to open and close the “gate” to manage the rights of who can enter and who cannot enter the “territory” of the video.

Protecting Producers’ Videos

For video producers, protecting intellectual property rights is extremely important. From production to distribution, their content is always at risk of being stolen and illegally distributed, greatly affecting revenue and brand. Sigma DRM helps producers protect their film content from the moment it is completed, by encrypting data and strictly controlling access rights.

In addition, Sigma Multi DRM technology also allows producers to track content usage history, helping to promptly detect copyright infringement cases. This not only helps protect the financial interests of businesses but also ensures transparency in the release and distribution of digital content.

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Sigma DRM – Management video in video industry

Protecting Distributors’ Videos

In addition to protecting producer videos, Sigma Multi DRM is also a powerful solution that helps video distributors maintain control of content on streaming platforms and distribution channels. In today’s digital environment, once a video has been released to the public, it is extremely difficult to maintain ownership and control of the content. Pirated videos are easily copied and illegally distributed across multiple unofficial channels.

With Sigma Multi DRM, publishers can protect their content from piracy even after it has been released to the public. By encrypting and restricting access by geographic region, device, or broadcast platform, Sigma DRM ensures that only viewers who have paid or have the legal right to access and use the video content. This helps protect revenue and maintain fairness in the online movie market.

Online course videos are stolen

The video industry does not simply include movies or television, but also refers to videos of online courses or influencers. A typical example is famous lecturers who attract students to register for their courses but are pirated by hackers, selling those pirated courses at much cheaper prices. Courses that synthesize top lecturers are sold at cheap prices everywhere while the owners or edtech businesses do not expect.

The consequences of copying unofficial videos are extremely common. We do not want that to happen, and our solution will definitely help businesses solve this problem completely at a very preferential cost. The number is very small compared to the losses that businesses lose when they are stolen.

Hackers’ video theft techniques are sophisticated and evolve over time. Stay up to date with the methods hackers often use so businesses can understand and avoid them.

Our comprehensive partner

VTVCab On has used Sigma Multi DRM as a powerful copyright protection solution for video content broadcast via the OTT platform at Thu Do Multimedia. Sigma DRM helps encrypt and manage access to videos, ensuring that only users with legal rights can view the content. This not only prevents unauthorized copying but also protects the rights of content producers, ensuring that videos in the video industry are released safely and securely.

Cooperation for development

Thu Do Multimedia is a leading enterprise in digital copyright protection solutions today, we have 15 years of veteran experience with many different digital products and have achieved the most prestigious certifications in the world.

We aspire to help domestic and foreign video businesses protect digital copyright and confidently invest in each product to develop global media. Sigma Multi DRM is a comprehensive solution that businesses resolutely need to deploy in the era of video industry that is accelerating every second.

Contact Thu Do Multimedia today for advice on OTT, DRM, CDN solutions for businesses!

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EdTech Innovations: Empower Your Education Journey for 2025

EdTech Innovations: Empower Your Education Journey for 2025

Innovative technology has revolutionized the education sector with the advent of EdTech. If you are looking to develop online teaching, have you grasped the latest teaching methods? What formulas may you have to learn when teaching online? Let’s explore the details with Thu Do Multimedia in this article!

1. What is EdTech?

EdTech stands for Education Technology, which is the use of technology applications to support, improve and change the way education is conducted. This is not simply the concept of applying information technology to learning, but also the use of new tools and methods to optimize the learner experience.

You can easily come across EdTech applications such as Duolingo, Elsa,.. or online courses such as Udemy, Coursera,.. Or smart learning devices such as electronic boards, projectors,.. in direct classrooms at school.

2. Why EdTech is Important for Educational Content Creators

In the era of increasing digital technology, the application of technology in education and learning is a top national policy, encouraged and promoted by the Ministry of Education and the State.

EdTech is changing the way we approach teaching and learning, not only in learning but also in proactive lifelong learning. In an increasingly digital world, students increasingly expect highly interactive, flexible and personalized educational methods. This is when EdTech appears as a powerful tool, helping to actively convey knowledge and bring great experiences to students.

Enhancing interaction and learning experience

One of the important reasons why EdTech is indispensable is the ability to increase interaction between teachers and students. Instead of the traditional method, where teachers lecture and students just listen, EdTech allows students to actively participate in the learning process.

Through tools such as videos, interactive lectures, and gamification, learners can actively explore knowledge in their own way. This not only creates interest but also helps to consolidate knowledge more deeply, thanks to continuous interaction.

Personalized learning

EdTech is especially important because of its ability to personalize the learning process. Instead of applying a general path for all learners, educational technology allows for the adjustment of content, methods, and learning speed to suit each individual.

For example, online learning platforms use AI to analyze each learner’s learning ability and behavior, thereby making appropriate recommendations, helping learners develop according to their personal path. This creates a learning experience that is both effective and meets the needs and learning styles of each individual.

Expanding the scale and accessibility of education

With the development of EdTech, students can now access learning materials from anywhere in the world, without being limited by location or time. EdTech removes geographical barriers and creates more equal opportunities for everyone to access knowledge. A good lecturer or a good content transmitter can reach and bring knowledge to millions of people.

Applying EdTech to education not only aims to teach students but also creates a digital environment that helps people after graduating and going to work still have the opportunity to participate in online classes. Improve soft skills, languages ​​or specialized knowledge in their free time while still being able to participate in the labor market. For example, Coursera offers online courses related to marketing, finance, management, software, etc. for 1 month, 3 months or 12 months, with fees or free for students to get certificates after the course.

In short, EdTech is not simply a technology to support teaching, but also a tool to help improve the quality of education, creating more diverse, personalized and effective learning experiences for all students.

3. 5 popular EdTech models today

Currently, with the rapid development of technology, EdTech has been bringing many new, creative and flexible learning methods and models to learners. Revealing the 5 most popular and experienced EdTech models today:

Learning Management Systems (LMS) – Classroom management model

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Edtech Classroom Management by LMS

LMS is a technology model that helps teachers manage the entire teaching and learning process, from creating lectures, tests to evaluating students’ learning outcomes.

LMS helps build and organize online classes easily, while providing many features to support interactions between teachers and students. For example, VNPT’s E-learning system called VnEdu LMS, the combined teaching and distance education platform myViewBoard, have become familiar tools for many schools in Vietnam.

If you are a person with high professional knowledge and want to find a suitable teaching method, LMS will be a useful choice to help you manage and develop learning content in a systematic and accessible way.

Language Learning – Online language learning model

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Cambly app – speaking with native speakers in Edtech

The online language learning model is one of the most prominent solutions of EdTech, bringing new, flexible and effective foreign language learning opportunities through learning applications and platforms.

These applications often use AI technology to personalize the learning path of each student and learn each part of the content according to their needs. Some typical applications are Elsa Speaking – an application to improve pronunciation skills like native speakers using AI, Duolingo and Lingo Deer – game applications for language learning, Cambly – a platform to learn English directly with foreigners.

Enterprise Learning: A Model for Training Professional Skills

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Online Courses have valuable in business

In a fast-paced world, equipping employees with the necessary professional skills is an important factor in helping businesses maintain a competitive advantage. Enterprise Learning is a modern model that effectively provides professional courses to employees.

An example is the online training platform Khan Academy, which offers courses such as computer science and data analysis skills, skills that are highly valuable in businesses.

Broad Online Learning Platforms: A model for completing online courses

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Coursera – high quality courses

This is a familiar Ed model and is currently the most widely applied in the world. The BOLP model will provide online courses from short-term to long-term courses, by video or online meetings.

For example, large platforms Udemy and Coursera, both of which are famous for providing online courses to millions of students worldwide. Udemy is a learning platform with thousands of self-study courses on a variety of topics, while Coursera partners with leading universities to provide high-quality courses, including professional degrees and certificates.

Early Childhood Education: An educational model specifically for children

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Edtech course for children

This is a model that focuses on developing basic skills and knowledge for children from preschool and primary school age. Strongly applying EdTech from the beginning for children will create interactive, creative and open programs, increasing their curiosity. For example, the online learning platform Cambly Kid is dedicated to children’s foreign language learning.

Above are 5 different models for businesses to choose different Ed training methods. Organizations and businesses will design lectures suitable for the EdTech business model they choose.

4. Reveal useful Tools for EdTech Content Creators

With the growing online education landscape, tools to support EdTech content creation have become extremely important for both teachers and course developers. These tools not only make designing and organizing lessons easier but also bring high interactivity, helping learners have a better experience. Below are popular and useful tools that any content creator should know.

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Canva is a useful tools in edtech course design

Canva is one of the leading online graphic design platforms today, standing out with its friendly and easy-to-use interface. Canva allows users to create many types of content such as infographics, slideshows, posters, and even videos, without requiring much in-depth design skills. Users can take advantage of thousands of available designs to create eye-catching and professional learning materials. This is especially useful in online education environments, where visuals play an important role in attracting and maintaining students’ attention.

Articulate 360 ​​is a professional solution specifically designed for creating e-learning courses. With Articulate 360, users can build multimedia online lessons, integrating audio, video, and interactive quizzes. One of the strengths of Articulate 360 ​​is the ability to create highly interactive learning modules, allowing students to directly participate in the learning process through tests, games, and simulations of real-life situations.

Google Classroom, a free tool from Google, has become a great assistant for teachers in managing online classrooms. Classroom helps teachers easily organize and share learning materials with students, thereby saving time and effort. Not only that, Google Classroom also allows teachers to create online tests, assignments and track students’ progress in detail. With tight integration with other Google applications such as Google Drive, Google Docs and Google Slides, Classroom provides a comprehensive ecosystem, helping teachers and students interact and work more effectively.

In addition to content design tools, learning management systems (LMS) also play an equally important role in managing and organizing online courses.

Moodle is one of the most popular open source LMS platforms today. With high customizability, Moodle allows educational institutions to design courses that suit their own needs.

Teachers can use Moodle to upload learning materials, create discussion forums, tests, and even organize online classes. With a powerful student management system, Moodle helps teachers track each student’s learning progress and provide detailed feedback.

Blackboard, another LMS, is also widely used in large universities and educational institutions around the world. Blackboard not only provides course management tools but also integrates many interactive features such as live chat, discussion forums, and grading systems. This helps create a comprehensive online learning environment where students can easily access knowledge, interact with teachers and classmates effectively.

Thanks to these advanced tools, creating online learning content is not only easier but also helps learners have a more diverse and rich learning experience. Content creators are more flexible in their approach and knowledge delivery, contributing to improving the quality of education in the digital age.

5. How to use EdTech to create effective content

To create effective content when you have powerful EdTech tools in hand, there are 3 important strategies that content creators need to apply:

Understand your target audience and tailor your content accordingly

First, understanding your target audience will be the key to creating quality content. You need to learn about their age, interests, and learning styles to build the most suitable lessons. For example, if your students are young children, Canva can help you create vivid, colorful, and easy-to-understand learning materials. For adults, interactive e-learning courses from Articulate 360 ​​will be the perfect choice, helping them to be more proactive and interested in the learning process.

Leverage the power of interaction and multimedia

One of the strengths of using Edtech tools is the ability to integrate multimedia and interaction into the content. To create dynamic and engaging lectures, combine videos, images and audio from Canva, and use Articulate 360 ​​to add interactive exercises, games or simulations. These elements not only make the content more interesting but also help learners absorb knowledge easily and deeply.

Monitor and continuously improve the content

Finally, for the content to be truly effective in the long term, you need to regularly monitor the learning progress and feedback of students. Learning management systems (LMS) such as Moodle or Blackboard will help you track the learning progress of each student. Based on this data, you can adjust and improve the lecture to be more suitable, ensuring that the content is always optimized, helping students achieve the best learning rsults.

Applying these strategies will help you not only create quality content, but also keep your online teaching fresh, engaging, and effective over the long term.

6. Sigma DRM – Management EdTech Courses for Creators

When Work is Stolen and Motivation Is “Worn

Creating content in the EdTech industry requires a lot of effort, time, and financial resources. To create quality courses, content creators must invest not only in technology and supporting tools, but also put a lot of brainpower into building each lecture, designing interactive exercises, and constantly updating new knowledge.
Each course is the result of hundreds of hours of hard work, from research, lesson planning to creating multimedia content such as high-quality videos, images, and audio.

However, one of the biggest challenges that EdTech content creators face is copyright protection.
Online educational content is easily pirated or distributed for free, illegally. Many users tend to look for free versions of courses, which makes the efforts and dedication of content creators underestimated.

Not only stopping at illegal sharing, hackers can also exploit security vulnerabilities, download entire courses and distribute them on illegal sharing websites. This not only causes economic damage but also demotivates those who are passionate about education.

The efforts and creativity of educators, instead of being appreciated and respected, sometimes fall into the situation of being exploited. This makes many content creators feel tired, frustrated and no longer motivated to continue investing in creating new courses. Having to face the reality of continuous copyright infringement has become a major barrier, not only affecting the spirit but also directly threatening the source of income and the development of online education.

Clearly, to protect the value that EdTech content creators bring, stricter copyright protection measures are needed, along with a change in users’ perception of respect for intellectual property and creative work in the education sector.

Hackers use very sophisticated tricks, you may not know your course is being stolen. You are still diligently creating valuable videos, but they are used to spread them for free on social networks. Make you lose revenue quickly, right?

Finding a way out of this problem

Online education platforms are stepping up measures to deal with copyright infringement and plagiarism by implementing stricter policies. Many platforms have adopted digital content protection (DRM) technology to ensure that copyrighted learning materials are not misused or distributed illegally. In addition, some platforms have adopted watermarking techniques to track and trace illegally shared materials.

Solve 100% of the problem of “brain theft” with Sigma DRM for online course management

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Sigma DRM – management your Edtech course

In the context of strong development of online education, the problem of copyright infringement and “brain theft” is becoming more and more popular and difficult to control. To thoroughly solve this problem, Sigma DRM has emerged as a comprehensive solution to help manage and protect digital content.
Sigma DRM (Digital Rights Management) is an advanced technology that helps online course providers strictly control access, distribution and use of their content. By encrypting content and controlling access based on licenses,

Sigma DRM ensures that only authorized users can access the documents, completely preventing illegal downloading and sharing.

Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Han – CEO of Thu Do Multimedia affirmed: “Sigma Multi DRM confidently ensures 100% protection of creators’ content on online platforms”

Enhance security and prevent copyright infringement

Sigma DRM does not stop at encrypting content but also integrates advanced security features to track and monitor the use of learning materials. This system allows for tracking suspicious activity and restricts the ability to copy, download, or print material without the publisher’s permission. This helps protect online courses from unauthorized copying and distribution, providing peace of mind for educators and content creators.
With Sigma DRM, any unauthorized access is recorded and reported immediately, creating a safe and secure learning environment.

Protecting Creators and Increasing Content Value

With Sigma DRM, content creators not only protect their efforts and intellectual property, but also increase the value of their courses. When content is tightly protected, courses become more reputable and learners are willing to pay for high-quality, fully copyrighted courses.

Sigma DRM helps build a transparent learning environment where the creativity and efforts of educators are valued. This not only encourages creators to continue investing in quality, but also contributes to building a fair and sustainable online learning community.

7. Moon.vn – Successfully deploying Sigma DRM to control Edtech courses

Moon.vn, one of the leading online education platforms in Vietnam, has made a strong step forward by successfully applying Sigma DRM – an advanced digital rights management solution to protect EdTech courses. Previously, Moon.vn encountered many difficulties with copyright infringement, when many courses were illegally shared on pirated platforms, causing huge losses in revenue and negatively affecting the platform’s reputation.

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Sigma DRM – Comprehensive management of online courses at Moon.vn

The deployment of Sigma DRM has helped Moon.vn completely solve this problem. Sigma DRM technology not only encrypts content but also strictly controls access rights, preventing illegal downloading or sharing. Thanks to that, the platform has protected its courses from the risk of copyright infringement, while ensuring peace of mind for lecturers and content creators.

Since integrating Sigma DRM, Moon.vn has seen a marked reduction in pirated course distribution, increasing student confidence in authentic courses. This not only helps protect intellectual property but also strengthens Moon.vn’s brand in the competitive online education industry.


Protecting your hard work and intellectual property from EdTech course theft is extremely important in today’s rapidly growing online education landscape. Creating educational content requires a lot of effort, time and dedication, but the risks of unauthorized copying and distribution can cause your efforts to go to waste. To ensure your course is fully protected, you need a professional and effective solution.

Contact Thu Do Multimedia now for advice and implementation of the most optimal copyright protection methods.